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Spoonerism (June Contest)

I vooked out on the lalley,
I sooked over the lea,
I fandered through the worest,
I even trimbed a clee!

I thestled 'beath a wrorny nush
that ripped my shavorite firt,
and jen I thumped the fighest hence
and tore my skeated plirt!

After I fooked no lurther,
I bat upon my sed
and glealized my rasses
were hesting on my read.

Ehe Tnd

Style / type: 
Structured: Western
Last few words: 
Perhaps through the eyes of Shel Silverstein.
Editing stage: 
Content level: 
Not Explicit Content


cute now I have to put you in front of a fring squad for spelling lol


check out our chat room open to all 24/7

Ha ha! So true!
Thank you!

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I do believe this has been the most fun I've a very long time!

author comment

Wow, this is definitely clever, you're giving the judge a hard time.


Poetry is when an emotion has found its thought and the thought has found words ........Robert Frost☺

Please follow me on Instagram

This is a very clever and fun(ny) contest!
Thank you!

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it brings me back to the days when we would do much the same thing, in a fashion to keep secrets from our younger siblings or others not in our circle. Some became quite adept at speaking in this way and would use it to speak at any time that didn't require them to use conventional language. For those of us not so great at it, [including myself] it was an irritation, but useful for the above mentioned reasons. I like the light-hearted manner that it was introduced and I applaud your originality. Good luck in the contest. ~ Geezer.

There is value to commenting and critique, tell us how you feel about our work.
This must be the place, 'cause there ain't no place like this place anywhere near this place.

I love's almost like therapy in some ways!
This is a wonderful contest!
Thank you!

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Thank you for reading! (Deciphering!)

author comment

Your poem tickles my imagination! I love it!! It was an amazing experience, like going through a brain maze, coming out on the other side with nothing but glee!

I'm so glad you enjoyed! It is a happy sort of poetry, for sure!
Thank you!

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I agree with all comments's innovative, fun ticklish...makes one reconstruct...

eb llew

raj (sublime_ocean)

Thank you for reading and leaving such thoughtful comments!

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Congrats on the contest! This was a really fun read!



Thank you very much!

author comment

You have been listening to the way I speak sometimes..
Great to see it in print chor a fange lol
Well done reap kiting,
Yours Ian xx

Words can build a nation

Thank you for bopping dry!

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luniqually luttt
yi sholddd jhav rudd it

hanny bway chonnnggmorerrattza

Thank you, Lovedly!

author comment

Congrats, Lavender. A highly amusing poem. I don't understand all of it, but enough to appreciate the humour. Gracy

"My soul is painted like the wings of butterflies; fairy tales of yesterday will grow but never die, I can fly, my friends.” – Freddie Mercury

Thank you so much,

author comment

and having fun in so doing it seems. This is fun and I enjoyed it, yes...but also it's the barrel rolls a practiced pilot does without batting an eye. You are no stranger to the craft. I see clues to that littered generously throughout your work. My hat's off, poet. Exquisite collection of pieces you have on this site.

Thank you for such giving comments - every day, there is something new to learn!
I am grateful,

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