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tires go round on square cars
dogs squat
and hurriedly ask return
The sky is threatening hard and blue
walk anywhere
frost will bite U

grips the pen in that unique falling across
violet eyes
toe bobbing on spring wound
plaintive boring music from
the telly
My four days off...been
around the malls and homie
spots...but this arctic air
has frozen the resolve
not even the graffitti artists
are out

'u look a Norge
swats at me with the pen scribbling
a jotter speed note..
sweeps her hair
squints at me
'i'm bored!'

somehow before a few bundled up
with coin for an ice not
even climbing the
bridge trail and frozen

but i would have missed
the sound of cars in the
cold compressed air
they truly hiss going
by like Morrison sang
there is salt flavored
dust in the air and a mist
from its particulate
two beauties at the counter
in smart little caps take
my order...
an older Milf swings her
i look like the mad trapper
with frozen whiskers
and rudy cheeks
an easter santa
who will ignore the cookies
for the savory treats
she smiles

the rails shiver with light
in gusts of frigid whisps
burn raw the skin and
i shiver
drive on
beneath frost
laden concrete
singing a happy song...

Editing stage: 


reading one of your works, leaves me feeling as though I have been in the company of a good friend. I feel rejuvenated and snatch inspiration from the air around me. I steal from situations and characters on the t.v. Can't wait to put fingers to keys and write at least a few lines. [One of which I stole verbatim] but if I'm ever called on it, I suppose I will fess up. Thank you Mr. Wolf!
~ Gee.

There is value to commenting and critique, tell us how you feel about our work.
This must be the place, 'cause there ain't no place like this place anywhere near this place.

u get to be teachable...fine and dandy to be self taught
self knowledge....from a babe on one learns from others
how to through out the line and taught us to
shoot guns...respect firearms....
mom taught us to sew..cook..fold laundry..
taught us values...

girls taught me how to dance....delighted when i could move
my large frame to form
so many men refuse to dance
the sting of people laughing at them from childhood?
even two left footers smile out there
I danced with the trophy wives of the hardcore back
in the day....girls in school taught me to play cards
they got to sit beside me..hold my hands...
show me the best hands...they were top poker

cement crew hardcores taught me to mix concrete
load a scaffold...had to work as a team to build
a scaffold proper...throw bricks up from second
floor to roof building chimneys....then i could carry
two chimney blocks either arm!
artisans showed me how to throw mortar and lay
brick block with their tools...had a flair for this but
was happy moving....loved the movement
loved being part of the team..One of the guys!

so we borrowed moves and I made up my own
that they loved....i was an artist so I was painting
pictures of their cats on their tool boxes...
trunk lettering on cars....drawing pen and ink
tatoos on the girls before they found what they
wanted and got their ink done...

people taught me guitar and piano chords..
my father taught me to play the harmonica
and his basic knowledge of cars...

but i feel to those that had to do it on their
own...knew competitive demanding parents
share no secrets so those guys and girls
had to pick it up on their own...
a tough go..

borrow all and any lines from my work
what its for....
that breath of fresh air is hard to find in
this much dirt and bitterness
in most exhaled full of it wonder left anymore...
so its rare and treasured!

everyone wants it but no one knows how
to achieve it or keep it....cause its hard
work....ration..reason...strength through
leadership...and to be teachable
a trick that is not valueless at all...

glad that the writing has fired up the creativity
I found your paintings were magnificent
and stories of how you work and find time
to add to the poetry here
I remember looking after tenants...working
on the houses...showing real estate...visiting
both my parents on the weekend and friends
and raising a young baby daughter...
and working full weeks and often weekends
on the hard construction jobs with my team mates
and i was still writing...still doing great detailed
sketches...helping friends on their

im not a buzzkill prima donna on road trips
always working the crowd..last trip we worked
on the camper...i handled this bad ass dog
did the meet and greet from noseys and people
that actually are glad to meet other people
it was epic...and a lot of fun
I enjoy laughter then squashing peoples
fun or dreams
the reindeer games are immensely ok
these days

just in from dog walk...and run..
slowly working on the place here
laundry dishes...scrub floors morrow
and a food bank run
always giving smokes for chats downtown
and homie intel reports...
make em smile..
cause before u know it
your body wears out
mind might be sound
strokes left some with
no voice...their time
ran out...
facing whatever judgements
for the sins of the fathers
and all that pondering
makes sense...happy times
happy ending
bad times then bad ending
nasty gets nasty
a no brainer

my many many friends
always happy to see me
slipping me a twenty
here and there when
im down....
helped countless people
move....been there for
them when their parents
friends passed
the many funerals one lives

my dog is smiling
my old lady is happy
i got no money
but roof over my head
im a rich man

thank U my friend Geezer!


author comment

Use the line I stole, but did use the one I had misheard. Thought that it was pretty funny.
I take ideas from you all the time, I just try real hard to not make it obvious.
I too, have this flair for getting on with many different people from all walks of life.
I have taken much from them and situations around me. Still doing it! Thanks for the read and comments. I always enjoy your wit and stories. ~ Gee.

There is value to commenting and critique, tell us how you feel about our work.
This must be the place, 'cause there ain't no place like this place anywhere near this place.

why there are officers and enlisted
seeing i always managed to chill and hang with the seargents
captians and other....traders of a sort...hustlers
true ones capable dont write people off
take every experience...its intel
others meet and its intel
how you dont even have to leave your
city...everyone is in transition and movement
and they appreciate people who have an open
mind and know how to handle the weight of story
value experience...addition and that fun calm ...

guess U just got it or U dont...
U got it.

THANKS geezer!

author comment
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