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A Forgone Conclusion

There were times when I was growing up
and my worldly troubles were bothering me,
where I couldn't face things life put in my way
so, my intentions were to pack, and then flee.

I know now, that the answer
wasn't running away from home,
all the mishaps, and the misfortunes
will follow me wherever I roam.

So, that set my mind to thinking
it does that now, and again;
but, life's always going to hurl bad things
that you still have to deal with, in the end;

and it certainly isn't productive
always hiding, or running away,
because, I still find myself having to face them
on some other innapropriate day.

Then, I came to a forgone conclusion
about myself, I can't speak for you;
but, I couldn't have even started to grow up
'til I started facing what I had to see through!

Style / type: 
Structured: Western
Review Request (Intensity): 
I want the raw truth, feel free to knock me on my back
Editing stage: 


the theme, and your rhyming, but your rhythm seems a little ragged. Maybe you could trim up some of those longer lines to make it smoother. Yes, if you never face up to your problems, they will trip you every chance they get. ~ Gee

There is value to commenting and critique, tell us how you feel about our work.
This must be the place, 'cause there ain't no place like this place anywhere near this place.

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