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Jasmine and Jeremy loved to read
A book every night at amazing speed;
They’d lie on their bed,
Or sit in a chair –
Reading book after book after book right there.

Books in their room would be on the floor –
All sorted by author, by topic and more;
Then next to their bed
Were books that were new –
With pile after pile after pile to view.

Stories of Sinbad and Dorian Gray –
Stories by Wells, Poe and Hemingway;
The fantasies shelved,
The histories on racks –
With page after page after page of facts.

Jasmine and Jeremy loved to read,
And together one day did a marvelous deed;
They gave of their time
At a nursing home –
And read and they read and they read book and poem.

The folks loved the reading of both these two,
And the more they read then the more they knew
That their love of books
Was just a start –
For the tear after tear after tear changed their heart.

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Poetry is when an emotion has found its thought and the thought has found words ........Robert Frost☺

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Poetry is when an emotion has found its thought and the thought has found words ........Robert Frost☺

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Wow! This is definitely a winner on many levels no matter what the result is,.
The title is well chosen indeed and the message of course is always crystal clear.
Thank you for sharing such a gem!


Poetry is when an emotion has found its thought and the thought has found words ........Robert Frost☺

Please follow me on Instagram

Thank you Rula for your very kind words. I am so delighted that you enjoyed this poem. Thank you for visiting my post today and for sharing your thoughts. Many blessings. :-)

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and enjoyed the read again.
For some reason it has the feeling of Wordsworth 's" The Table Turned"
Well I know it's has a different theme, but could be that they both urge to learn no matter what that source of learning is.
I hope I'm clear with my point of view.


Poetry is when an emotion has found its thought and the thought has found words ........Robert Frost☺

Please follow me on Instagram

emphasizes the need to put away the studying and reading of books and replace it with time spent in watching and observing nature, which is a great teacher as well and also a blessing. My poem is about two children who enjoy reading books a lot but then take a big step outside their comfort zone by getting up and sharing their books, time and reading talents to shut ins to bless others which is another type of teacher as well as the two children explore new ways to use and share their talents. I see the similarities. Thank you for the Wordsworth poem reference. Wordsworth must have read Ecclisiastes 12 :12 - “Much reading is weariness to the bones.”

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You could have been writing this about me. From early days and my comics i graduated to reading anything I could get my hands on. I love books, keep your kindle there is nothing like turning a page, or putting a page marker in when finished for the day. At one time I had a huge library, everything, as my wife said " from Philosophy to Filth". Now, in a smaller place, just my favourites. And to really hit home, for a few years, till covid stopped it, I also did much in nursing homes and hospital wards. Loved this. Alex

I must admit that I wrote a little about myself here as well as I love to read and write and have read some of my poetry at local nursing homes in years past. I am glad that you enjoyed this poem. Thank you for visiting my poem and for sharing your comments today. Blessings. :-)

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What a wonderful poem in every way. Delightful! It flows so well, and offers such a shared joy of reading to all of us!
Thank you!

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Thank you Lavender for visiting my poem today and for sharing your lovely comments. I am so glad that you enjoyed this poem. It is so good to hear from you. Many blessings. :-)

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