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BEHIND THE MUSIC (1st poem I ever typed raw to post)

Listen to any real good song
then filter out the noise
you will find before too long
what's hidden behind the toys.

The drums and the bass guitar
reinforce the deeper beat
which carries the sound so far
from the stage out to the street.

Then other guitars supply rhythm
the leading one provides the drive
to leap beyond cognitive schism
and helps to bring the song alive.

Maybe a saxophone adds soul
a keyboard supplies the background
and a fiddle makes it whole
woodwinds join with a wistful sound.

Take all of these things away
even the metronomes soft tic
and what's left at the end of day?
It's the Words which make the real music.

* any editing was done as the words moved from mind to screen so don't be too hard on me.......just kidding lol.

Style / type: 
Structured: Western
Review Request (Intensity): 
I want the raw truth, feel free to knock me on my back
Editing stage: 


My comment section is so fickle it sometimes erases entire critiques. I fear writing a good poem and suddenly losing it. Also, the environment feels hostile to write in. Like I can't take my time which is critical to my writing.
The poem still worked though. Good concept. I don't know though. Music without lyrics has its merits.
I have recently written a poem that was written as a lyric to a piece of music I devised. It was a very different way of writing. Maybe I'll post it. I'd sing it, but the voice is gone from all the smoking.

W. H. Snow

A poet is a nightingale, who sits in darkness and sings to cheer its own solitude with sweet sounds. Percy Bysshe Shelley

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a tough thing to do, not having a written copy to peruse before posting. Just thought I'd give it a try.....likely won't do it again. Music on its own Can be wonderful. This deals with a song set to music and the position is that a song Must have the right words to be any good. I also wrote a song once and posted the thing here....what was it called??????? oh yeah "Front Man Dues" I think. Might dig it back out as it's past due for an edit lol........stan

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I did this a few times but with shorter pieces. Sometimes I fear to lose the thought so I start do the typing directly in the text box.
I like it till the last stanza where I thought tic and music don't sound very musical, or do they?


Poetry is when an emotion has found its thought and the thought has found words ........Robert Frost☺

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I've already decided melody would be better than music so now I'll have to also redo the other line lol. That's what happens with something this raw. Thanks for taking time to visit........stan

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If I may interject a thought I usually will use abbey word or note pad or the like then copy and paste it to Neo easier to change and make corrections that way as well

Let your mercy spill on all these burning hearts in hell(Leonard Cohen)

write in a spiral bound notebook with a pen then type it to here and transfer to other sites via copy and past which I've finally become proficient at........stan

author comment

ya'll did it agin lol
you know I have found that not just the words survive but you do not need "toys" only voices in harmony I have lsitened to some beautiful acapello music and it sounds like instrument
but yes oftimes poem are turned to lyrics and vica a versa especially rhyme it makes it's own beat

Let your mercy spill on all these burning hearts in hell(Leonard Cohen)

Read that and thought I was in trouble again lol.I think some of the best poetry of the last 40 years is within song lyrics...........stan

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then transfer to the computer.
I really need to seek some help.

W. H. Snow

A poet is a nightingale, who sits in darkness and sings to cheer its own solitude with sweet sounds. Percy Bysshe Shelley

Learn how, teach others.
The NeoPoet Mentor Program

to experience a notebook "crash" and thus lose a bunch of poems lol. I also periodically print edited poems off here to paper and then store alphabetically for back up.......stan

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