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Mother's Day Image Prompt Contest

Mother's Day Image Prompt Contest

Please read the following poems

And vote below.

Voting ends May 26th 2024

Mum... You and I

By: Rula


Together we witnessed time ebbs and tides:

we went through ups, we went through downs,

yet luckily we got each other's sides,

you and I, you and I.


Together, unwillingly, we grew old,

with devestating wrinkles, and white hair.

We both raised families, yet we're still bold

You and I, you and I.


Together we laughed, together we cried:

I uplifted your spirits, you got my tears wiped,

we stayed together, side by side,

You and, I you and I.


Together we lived for worse and better,

until Alzheimer's stole you, my bank of love,

although you promised to stay forever

You and I, you and I.


My Gold

By Mr joghe


In whom I spent my old days and nights,

Who rocked me in my cradle;

And fed my pretty mouth with a spoon,

Did weep while I should weep.

How much will I pay

For the pain you’ve taken for me?


Who worked that jumper to keep me warm;

Treated me with diffidence and respect,

Her healthy arms always be my stay,

And always admired my prudent face that filled with laughter.

How much will I pay

For the pains you’ve taken for me?


Who tired me with apology for being tiresome,

And asked twenty questions and never waited for an answer.

My timidity struck her at the first sight;

When she taught me to expect something extraordinary.

How much will I pay

For the pains you’ve taken for me?


I find such a pleasure

In obeying her commands,

That I take care to observe;

Shall soon come to bless me.

How much will I pay

For the pains you’ve taken for me?


I vow, I thought so;

Never, as among queens and princesses

In her age; to be explicit,

I’ve kept very little company

In pretty smooth dialogues with her.

How much will I pay

For the pains you’ve taken for me?


Vote Here

Thank you for your participation!

Neopoet Weekly 05/12/24 to 05/18/24 Winner!

This week the Neopoem is


Mosquitos Suck!
  By William Lynn


Congratulations to William Lynn for racking up another contest win!

Neopoet Weekly 05/05/24 to 05/11/24 Winner!

This week the Neopoem is

Ways of loving by  Terumi Sakurai

Let us congratulate Terumi Sakurai on their first win as a neopoet member.

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The stream (all workshops)

This is the stream - you can see all poems on Neopoet, live, as they are created.



a black bat
hangs upside down
digesting a fly
his face almost human
a flying Frankenstein

he excretes
puddles of guano
like miniature buttered popcorn
a dark and wavy goulash
gods gift
to beetles and worms

dizzied overheated men look on
to an uproarious variety hour
of song and a high heeled kicks
a tempest of throbbing
whisky drenched
folded cocks and cash

Planting Bulbs in Autumn

Sitting in cold dark dirt
hands hurting in the cold
and black with digging
I asked myself was I too old
for this...

...Yet even as the question came
my thoughts turned to an answer,
of golden flowers
nodding in the warming sun,
with spikes of color
rising up to
waft a sweetness
gently on spring air,
and my woman's smile
as she's returning
home from work,
seeing her new garden
awakening from winter slumber...

From Her Scrapbook

Tiny hands found a place, for a leaf beside her feet,
there it stayed, pretty safe, where no one but she knew.

Those tiny hands grew large and large, but kept returning to the page,
it made her smile, to see it there, beaming at her face.

What was said in silent words, no one but they knew,
for being there is all that mattered, without being said.

A Kiss is Not an act of Savagery

A kiss is not an act of savagery,
so let your lips purse,
my darling,
and let them become tender
for me
in Stan Hywet's garden.

A kiss
is not an invitation to war,
so let your guard down
as we make our way through my hallway
and into my bed.

You gave me
the tenderest moment there
when you caressed my back.
The smallest things
can make me feel loved
even among the biggest things.

(repost) shadow

I wish I was as pretty as my shadow
I wish I was as easy to hide
I wish it was easy to tell the truth
and harder to tell that I lied.


Clouds over the skyscraped sky,
Their bodies emerge on the wind- O Gloria!
Shapes in stampede illusions, shapes
With hues of the October sun, sun
Which rips in leaps from wall to tower.

I attach myself to the fast clouds,
To the mythos of angelic, angelic,
As I attach myself to the autumnal wind, loud
Are the fugues of sound, proud
Geometries of steel and mirrored glare,
The sky, sky fills with fleeing dragons!

PRIMAL STALK (November contest)

The hunt begins
for hunger gnaws
while the mainspring slowly spins
and the stalker gives no pause.

Sun sinks slowly in the west,
fellow carnivores join in the fray
each hoping they can pass the test
of filling belly at the end of day.

Many targets are passed by
in the quest for the right one.
This hunter is choosy, sly.
His prey when found will soon be done.

Graceful Fall From Grace

Its cold sitting at McDonald
my fingers are chilled to the bone
my hot breath soothes the freeze
in my bony fingers.

A great fall, I experienced
to the floor, slippery wet, down I went
my hand, wrist, up to my shoulder
still hurt a little.

I laid on the wet floor for a moment
this filled restaurant, blank stares got me annoyed
I'm feeling crazy, gathering my senses
they help me up off the floor.

Under my Cover

You’ll won’t dare leave here
This canopy your savior
This wretched edifice
That secrets your dignity
And clothes you with honour

You’ll wont dare leave here
Not now, not this night
Not to be tossed around this hungry wolves
Deceitful and cunning are men
But my advice you must abide.

On A Wintry Trail

Leaves had rustled in Fall, bidding a goodbye.
Branches now creek and weep;
looking deserted & bleak,
squirming to cover their denuded limbs.
A chill in the air, a hastened misty breath
freezes my anguish into a frosted sigh,
alighting gently to the ground
with snow flakes.

That frozen moment resonates with me,
my limbs aching in the chills,
cold lips cracking like the bark; and
nails tinged blue in frost.
I search for a flint, hoping for respite_


(c) No copyright is claimed by Neopoet to original member content.