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Poetry as therapy & poems too long!


Here is something I put on the Norwegian Poetry Ring (we get poems sent and can or not crit them, mostly we just read them-chosen by one man) :-
"poesi og terapi: "It is a fantastic cheap and good way to get help". Hilsen Einar"
Klassekampen is a quite good left wing newspaper in Oslo.

"......ut en bok om terapi og poesi. Han mener at skrivingens terapeutiske side har vært underkjent altfor lenge."(Ruff= Poetry is inspiration, and therapeutic-this poet works with this as a psychologist too)

Poetry is so much more than what is visible and easily analysed, like music and painting, anything creative by the human mind, it 'has it all' within its fingers to play the music of man's inner thoughts melding with the outer observations of actual happenings and elements, a whole is reached, perhaps the only place where such is attainable, as deep inside all poetry is the search for the meaning of life at all, and sometimes the poet touches this meaning so intangible to the mind in its mechanical stages of life,

I don't know perhaps I am just waffling, but I feel it has this potential and all the argument about what and how it should be done are mere surface fads (fashions). AnnW. (.....that is what I call those snobs who think that poetry ought to be in this or that style in this or that era, its not; poetry is one man's vision, expression quite apart from schools of thought, and that's what we see on Neo. individuals good and bad perhaps but honest. Who cares as its a workshop whether they are a this or a that, they express themselves and that is enough?)

Then they complained about a poem being too long to read:-

OH golly people cannot read these days, the problem of a poem too long...a poem is the length it takes to breath its own personal message from one person out to all, if they are interested in the subject matter or the therapy perhaps. There is no text that is too long, if it grips one's interest of the reader; even the shortest poem can be too long. Basta. That's my opinion, the so called scholars and setters of criteria for the judgement of poetry have their norms, but in truth poetry is free of all norms.

OOps Have I said TOOOO much, 'scuse I and love to all poets, just keep writing, from AnnW
That's what I said to that. I write because as this N. Poet says because it drops into my mind and I like to play with the sounds and meanings of words stringing them up in a daisy chain of verse to entertain and even to adorn my friends, and those who understand my mind, whether it is the norm is irrelevant to me.

What do you think poets? LuvAnn.
I don't understand this category of Forum, there was General poetry before where has that gone???

I have not gone to the site you linked yet but please allow me this commentary here to your post. First of all I want to say hello and missed you dear snowlady. A poem is a poem and yes I have to agree some are long winded and would perhaps be called a poem story. If I lose interest say the third or fourth verse then it gets boring to me somehow. Everyone writes from a different pen for sure.

It does not make it right or wrong but I feel a poem should send or give a message within its words to the readers or better yet to the writer. It is in my own judgement to place to paper or computer what only I can feel or see at the moment. I try not to make longgggggg poems for I feel I am withdrawing my feelings too much and ending up with a bunch of blah blah blah. But that is only Magic Monas thinking on length of a write. I feel more poems fall in to the category as stories sometimes as I read them.

I am neither an expert on poetry but learning so much of the skill and passion I have inside me to share with my readers. Will come back here my love and read more ot this for I enjoyed reading you here always.

Blessings from the sunny spring of Florida

You spring up and sing like the thrush I heard last week placed on the highest palm tree he sang so beautifully the known song all the world over, heralding the Spring. Ah where you are it is surely there and even passed by now, the Summer eager to sport her heat and fervours.

Shakespeare's poetry spanned the whole of a play!

Love to you and thank you for commenting.

"The image of yourself which you see in a mirror Is dead,
but the reflection of the moon on water, lives." Kenzan.

author comment

          The world of the artist is an ever-changing medium - whether it be verse, or painting, or photography, or whatever art form. Today's norm may be tomorrow's outcast. *smile* I think the only consistent thing in any creative writing is proper spelling, punctuation and grammar.


         This is well thought out and some really wonderful food for thought. Nice work. ~Pamela

.. .

~"It's ALL about the Poetry~

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to me if some one can express their thoughts in any form of art, it is a gift. some may agree with their thoughts, form, or the way they exprees themselves. while others may find it crude. I feel that it is in the eye of the beholder, or rather to say. It all depends on their domistication by the world they live and learn in. I do agree that grammar and correct spelling is important.., But the art of a mind is not measured in degree's, but rather in a special arena that few truly see. Sometimes and most will not agree, When educated in the classics, I see that some people try with out knowing to write that way. to me I feel that writing comes from a place inside and all the classical training in the world will not make you a good writer or a good critic, that said, I am not a poet in the conventional way. I write of things i know that are true to my heart and when I read something that seem to me was written in that way i call that poetry.Well that's my two cent
Ann my dear poet you have put together a well thought out analysis of how some think, so to you I bow. I am in agreement with your thoughts on the subject.
This is truly well done
Eddie C.
PS. excuse my grammar and spelling. Hahaha!


No poem is too long as long as it maintains the readers' interest, and none can be short enough which doesn't in my opinion. As to what poetry is, it is ANYTHING written from the heart. In my opinion the Gettysburg address is poetry. In the age of free verse, who is to say anything Isn't poetry? This doesn't mean it is writing enjoyed by all or some or even me lol. Apparently even the dismal thing read at Obama's inauguration was considered to be poetry and if That was poetry, what isn't. Some very good poetry may not be technically correct yet read very well and convey exactly what the author intends and often more than one layer of message. Then some which is technically perfect reads like a fill in the blanks form letter. Of the two which is the better poem? In regards to length, I know this reply has gone on long enough lol.............stan

Eddie I agree and Mona too, if Shakespeare wrote a poem that became a play many pages long, was he to be judged by the length?
I agree with Pamela on the spelling and the grammar being correct, but then I don't wish those who are of foreign tongues to stop doing their bit as some, like Eddie, can add a poem with every bit a verse of worth if we forgive the small mistakes, they are usually easily corrected, if not, they should first learn some more English and read a lot of books.

Thank you all for taking part here its fun to air ideas too isn't it?
Love Ann.

"The image of yourself which you see in a mirror Is dead,
but the reflection of the moon on water, lives." Kenzan.

author comment
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