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The stream (all workshops)

This is the stream - you can see all poems on Neopoet, live, as they are created.


As origin of Homo Sapien species surged ahead,
harboring nascent predominance
asper said primate reproductively bred,
(albeit via incremental fits and starts)
evolutionary forebears didst dread
Tom Tom Club former members
an American new wave band founded in 1981
by husband-and-wife team Chris Frantz
and Tina Weymouth
as a side project from Talking Heads,
rocketing them to super stardom
similar to heights of fame and fortune,
where band zeppelin led
exemplifying, fortifying, and glorifying QED

Johnny Come Home Again...

He stands just a little straighter,
throws his once strong shoulders back.
He hears, "My Country Tis of Thee"
his handsome face, no longer slack.

Wounded in his defiant mind,
he was left blind upon the field.
All of him did not come home,
and his brave heart won't ever yield.

He spends silent days still fighting,
for his faceless God and country
His tired, worn wife still tends him,
she's praying, "Please come back to me."

Stairway to the heavens

I brushed past a spirit on my way down the stairs
and on the back of my neck to, their " bristly ends", stood those hairs
I pondered there in fright with some measured apprehension
To this lost soul's final journey, a fiery decent or blessed ascension.

And I realised but there in an instant be it pig farmer or ballet
By the scent in this breezeway of a sweet, scented bouquet
As I turned and looked upward a floating orb there appeared
and l knew she was homeward bound, a life's path faithfully steered.

Mein kampf synonymous as a blooper

Writer of these words,
a former Lower Providence inhabitant,
who dwelled within darkest depths
of Dante Alighieri's inferno
for most of his outlandish, impish,
and devilish growing up years
witnessed microscopic scrimmage,
where spermatozoan with most forcefulness
muscled itself handedly,
magnificently, and splendidly
envision unicellular olympic competition,

Long Live The Queen

Nightly she is alone
Her heart a queen
That forfeited the throne

Her power
A bright hope
For a dark hour

She erases pain
her mere smile
puts an end to rain

Oh, when she cries
A star from heaven
slowly dies

Oh, this is no tale
Just a queen
That will prevail

Her sweet embrace
Gives a hope
No tyrant can erase

Oh, who can she be?
in pages of time
she is set free

given the chance
enemies turned
lovers that dance

My Military Hero

My Military Hero

My military hero, my father,
Protecting us at all costs
A true guardian in times of crisis

My father, my hero,
Forever my inspiration,
A soldier, a protector,
Always in my heart

Alfraido, My first Car

I once had a car, I called it Alfraido,
with four spinning wheels, that easily go.
The seats, all leather, genuine in black,
and a horn that beeps with a cluck and clack.
That was my first ever vehicle to trow.

The coming of Spring

The buds are thickening,
And I feel as emptied
As an unfulfilled year.

Perhaps, also, I
Do pivot my life
As the spring's new growth.

And if my growth does cycle
With tender timed spring...
Then I shall not flower.

This time of new life,
Still in winter's grip,
Finds me unhappy,

And in remembrance
Of a year that housed
Arrested growth.


That laugh
I’ve been waiting for it
That honeysuckle voice
And her lips like marmalade
Eyes closed when she smiles
And a fitting crown upon her head
She walked in my dreams
Now I run to her
She steepens my heart
Tends to my wanting soul
Brings me to life
Without trying

Mother's Day Image prompt

With a touch of tender and grace
the profound image she displays
her kind words instilled in my mind
as she is a warrior who stands
strong on her ground
like a beaming light
shining through the
darkness of night
contain with a pure joy of love
she reigns with the supreme
of wisdom guidance
bring the truth of the testament evident
of life-learning lessons


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