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Eternal Renga workshop

This shows the poems in just one one workshop. To see all the poems on Neopoet, go to the stream. Or go to the workshop page itself, where you can find out more about the syllabus.

Neopoet Renga 3

It is time to find
our tomorrow's memories
In today's kisses

no matter the day begone
a first kiss eviternal

as the sun does rise
starlings call carries in wind
land on peach dew lips

early footprints clearly seen
Inevitable arc trod

clean sand to walk on
our signature right here
no one before us

buoyant steps to journey so
greetings overcome sorrow

treasured dew drops form
tipping new sunlight colour
love streaming outward


Neopoet Renga 2

Summer storms have passed
autumn is on the doorstep
falling leaves arrive

Holding our sweet creamy dreams
let them not shatter on floor

Trust dreams quiescent
muse remaining autumn scene
more timely imbue

Dreams of cluttered entrances
pumpkin head scarecrows, cobwebs

Meadows glowing gold
harvest moon drifts slowly by
sunsets of our dreams

Cool evenings sweet serenade
children kick the fallen leaves

Adolescents roll
windbreakers breaking dry leaves
innocent first kiss

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