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Storytelling in Verse: Dramatic Verse. workshop

This shows the poems in just one one workshop. To see all the poems on Neopoet, go to the stream. Or go to the workshop page itself, where you can find out more about the syllabus.

Elise(Dramatic Workshop Part Two)

Alise: What then shall I leave for you
when I am dead

Michael: The pillow beneath your lovely head
for it holds the essence of your tears
the lingering fragrance of your hair

Alise: Then take it now before I am gone
my plan is for my soul to go on

Michael: Do not speak of such horrid things
what would you like me to do with your rings

Alsie: Give them to your new love to be
from this moment on
I set you free

Killer Job... Storytelling in Dramatic Verse

A little bit of humor makes the job easier
if you know what I mean?

I sometimes make a bit of a joke to myself
when I kill someone.

Like the time I stuffed the electric-guitar
up this musician's ass and turned it on.

The way he tried to get away from it,
made me think of the way 'Elvis' swiveled
his hips as he sang and danced across the stage.

That put a smile to my lips and I danced a little

The time that I stapled the teller's lips together
at the bank was also a little joke.

(Still incredibly sensitive to the light, Sasha chose to wander the town at dusk. She found peace in an old abandoned cemetery, creating a temporary home inside a desecrated mausoleum. The chain lock had been broken off by vandals and the doors swung wide open at the slightest tough. It is inside the mausoleum, surrounded by stone walls and a lonely sarcophagus, that we see how vulnerable Sasha really is as Baby emerges to help her cope with her fears.)


BABY:    Aren’t you afraid?


Treachery (A Play For Dramatic Verse Workshop)

Hitaro Magi and Akira Magi,the brothers are generals in the Mazu Imperial army
Oshin Fumaru, assassin and loyal subject of the emperor

(Two brothers sitting in an inn at Nagoya District.)

How goes our plan, brother?
What says the retainers?
Did they agree to join us?
My heart's beating in a rush

The campaign has gone well.
We'll send the emperor to hell.
With them on our side,
our victory won't be denied!

The life of a dead person [soliloquy]

All is pain
I've tried again and again
There are people who drag me into this life
I love and resent them

If I go it will hurt them
I am not unkind
So I persevere

Narcotics give me not the nods
not the itchy scratchies
just a sense of being normal

The solution?
Death seems best
though that would hurt people

Keep trying to find a way to live
without chronic insomnia
and continual pain

I know you can't answer

The birthday party ( part two edited for play Drama)

Grampy lives alone and is becoming angry at the visits from his close or so called close family
Grampy has reached his limit, with most of his family.
We will follow the day through his birthday till about a week later.
This happens in many families but not with an ending quite so abrupt.
Most times you watch the old person sink into an old folks home totally alone, it is hard to be old.
Let’s pop in and listen to Grampy’s thoughts for a while..

"Grampy's Birthday"

"Opening scene" Grampy in his sitting room,

The Girl Who Didn't Exist: DRAMATIC VERSE WS

(In the early morning hours, Sasha emerges from her captor’s home/prison. This was several days after one of her alter-egos reared its ugly head and ended the immediate hell they were facing. She had spent those last few days in the house watching the body of her kidnapper rot in a mess of his own dried blood until she could take it no more. “Rescued” as an infant and held in a single locked room, with no one else around but herself and the old man who had taken her, this was her first exposure to the outside world.

A play for the Dramatic Verse Workshop

What Men Hear, What Men Fear
(being an original tale of the epic poem
Ҫaҫo, Man of the Morning Star)

Cast of Characters
Lord General Amos Reid, a robust man of eighty nine
Marla, a lovely girl of twelve

(The cavernous highway deep beneath the River Lurien)

Jolly. and .Sally

Do you remember
that evening in summer,
when on a warm afternoon
you fell off the swing
I ran across the lawn
to help you spring

Yes I do remember
then as you wiped my knee
picked up my skirt slightly,
I blushed as your face flushed
you know why
your look made me shy
you know too why
what you did see too...

It was a lovely encounter
you held your breath thereafter
then I held your hand to thank you,

Special Kind of Crazy Drama WS

I am the one
Mother told you about
The one that would steal your heart
In one love struck breath
Than rip it from your chest, literally

I am the one
Who was born in darkness
Tasted the foul city air
Before I was ever fed

Left beneath an old streetlight
Bloody and screaming
Wrapped in a dingy t-shirt
At least I didn’t wind up in her trunk

Someone else’s mistake
What a tragic fate
For a little girl
Who had no name


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