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When He Whispers

I hear Him, when He whispers
and, the air around me suddenly turns warm,

not like an epiphany
more like the air has thoughts, and it takes a different "form",

I'm allowed to know all, the reasons, "why?".

My soul awakens,
allowing the pureness of His energy to take hold,

as if I had a choice to resist,
then, I'd miss the message my spirit's told;

and I feel love, enough, to cry.

I hear His whispers,
they have a way to "clutch" my throat, if when I talk

I pause, and I listen,
and, my direction's clear about which way, to walk;

and, on His whispers, I rely.

A peaceful "goodness",
treats my senses to a "rush", that would "shame" the sea;

and, I feel much better
from the heavens opening up, to smile on me;

my smile floats up, to greet the sky.

I love His whispers,
when I lean close to hear, I may miss, everything that you may say;

so, you'll forgive me,
but, I had to listen to Him, help me find my way;

because, when He whispers.....I must pause enough, to try.!

Style / type: 
Structured: Western
Review Request (Intensity): 
I want the raw truth, feel free to knock me on my back
Editing stage: 


..I think I'vegot an inspirational/religous book, in the "works"; I really DO appreciate, your encouragement!

Neopoet is "newtriffic" !
...from the heart, or a reasonable faxcimile;
david a. goodwin #{:>{)} @==

author comment

..that you approved of it I think this one is the Title Poem, of my inspirational book.
thanx, again...

Neopoet is "newtriffic" !
...from the heart, or a reasonable faxcimile;
david a. goodwin #{:>{)} @==

author comment

..I'm trying to come up with the "theme" for this inspirational book.
Thanx.....Really! I may use this one, now that it caught your discerning, eye!

Neopoet is "newtriffic" !
...from the heart, or a reasonable faxcimile;
david a. goodwin #{:>{)} @==

author comment
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