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this sunset guillotine
with its silver smile
beneath the rambling storefront mile
the golden hills
forgotten ore mills
and Joshua trees
that shine their spines
on the low powered stars
that glide winking in the night
the coyote that beats the rabbits fright
the neons flicker
like the corner state inspection sticker
aching hunkered at the bar
drinking liquor
well a Rolla Wurlitzer spits out the weary
welcome miles
the friendly gals with their patented smiles
and parched patina tainted skin
that smells of the dust
that ache of space
and lust


Editing stage: 


Like a town stuck in time, full of nothingness. But also beauty if you look close enough. Regards Roscoe....

Roscoe Llane,

Religion will rip your faith off, and return
for the mask of disbelief that's left.

Benzoid Benaddiction
succumb to the torrent
like a rainclouds rush
tearing sagebrush clots
from desert mountians
gash...away wastleand
and castle gaurded
The Lizard Runs
a mirage dance

We are all looking..

Thank U!

(Present music and mood..."A Pysch Tribute to The Doors"
intensely pyschotic and edged out like the times man...far
freakin out....)

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