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Stranger Lessons

I met a fellow in my travels
who spent his life, alone.
He thought, at first 'twas his good fortune
sharing not, what he did own.

Through an endless string of days, and nights
where he never thought to share,
his heart became so hardened
he lost his ability to care!

As my life continued on I found
a man with a different fate,
his list was long of current charities
giving him, yet another trait.

It seemed he'd lost through compassionate times
everything he'd ever had,
he blamed his beneficiaries for his fortune lost
and he turned bitter, and was always sad.

I then went on to meet another
journeying vagabond,
who told his stories of delight, and wit
about people he had grown so fond.

He painted a scenario
that unraveled before my eyes,
for as he added embellished details
I then saw he was spinning lies!

Completely drained from listening
I nearly knocked over another man,
who made a point of explaining
he was there to lend a hand.

He helped me find a place to rest
admired my pack sitting on the ground,
and neither he, nor my full backpack
were there when I turned around!

Liberated of my possessions
I walked back to find the road,
I now could make even better time
with no companion, and with no load!

I journeyed on for quite some time
before arriving at a park,
I slept where people just like me
found solace in the dark;

and now, I greet the vista
with it's splendor in my eyes,
understanding that without my travels
I'd never have arrived, nor grown so wise.

Style / type: 
Structured: Western
Review Request (Intensity): 
I want the raw truth, feel free to knock me on my back
Review Request (Direction): 
How does this theme appeal to you?
How was the beginning/ending of the poem?
Editing stage: 


A lovely story there, as a parable from the old days.
Travel light as all material things are of no value.
Keep the most precious thing, a Spirit free,
Tinted with the love of reality..

Yours Ian.T

There are a million reasons to believe in yourself,
So find more reasons to believe in others.., I enjoyed your Terry Pratchett quote, too.

Neopoet is "newtriffic" !
...from the heart, or a reasonable faxcimile;
david a. goodwin #{:>{)} @==

author comment

...I always appreciate your keen insight. I'll tighten up the rhythm.
Sincerely thanx,

Neopoet is "newtriffic" !
...from the heart, or a reasonable faxcimile;
david a. goodwin #{:>{)} @==

author comment

or Lessons by a stranger..
Interesting piece indeed doc , impressive and lovely to read.
I enjoyed the read but the flow of the rhythm and the rhyme disturbed me sometimes here and there but hey who cares , life is never flawless...Thanks for sharing again


Poetry is when an emotion has found its thought and the thought has found words ........Robert Frost☺

Please follow me on Instagram

...I appreciate your words of encouragement, and like I wrote to Lonnie.....I'll tighten up the rhythm, and correct the flow.
Sincerely, thanx again;

Neopoet is "newtriffic" !
...from the heart, or a reasonable faxcimile;
david a. goodwin #{:>{)} @==

author comment
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