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Senyru Polar Vortex

It is cold outside
Another polar vortex
Hangs over our land.

Hidden away in my room
I watch early morning news.

Editing stage: 


what is polar vortex?


I learn of it two years ago when it was so unusually cold. So I research it and wrote an article for helium to educate myself and other better. Some helium publishers liked it and paid me a $1. I still own it though.

If I can find the article I'll post it here.

*Collaborative Poetry Workshop* American Version of Japanese Poetry ~ Renga ~ Haiku, Senyru, Tanka.

Neopoet Community

author comment

short and descriptive....
easy to understand
and hits nail on head at appropriate time

.Polar vortex is the dense cold mass that travels south via jet streams
via north america to america....there was for a a hundred years
a steady enough focus of prediction.....but then it shifted
it was all over the place in seventeen hundreds..but no one really kept
accurate records.....mid eighteen hundreds the thames froze and wolves
which were rampant were crossing the river causing havoc to lifestock
and people...they will mess with people yes!

the jet stream sucks all this cold it travels at four hundred miles
and over over top the warm dense its high..piled up cold air
spilling down over top the warm air...then it drops..cause its heavy and lands
down where its not usually the south...why florida gets ice on its
oranges sometimes...air is a gas...water is a liquid but both behave in current
patterns the same...U can have a creek flowing on the top and beneath
a current rolling upstream if it becomes high enough....
its a mathematical physics up on all this
the warmth to the pacific from the south jamms up the arctic and its natural
rivers flows south..if it gets high enough the heat which expands
it shoves the cold air via the mountian passes to the west down
the lower troughs of the prairies down past our great lakes
cyclic rotation depends also...

anyway..and also..Great Poem!!

loved it!

Mr Esker!

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