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R e d . . . K a c h i n k a

stetch split
this mirror break

in cascade shards

a many cast brokenness

dwell splinter dancers

the days yearning host
flush has fled
like funeral candles
and ice on the trim of
the shed

the wamth cup light

the great Purifier
is here

Editing stage: 


I was looking for Russian words
and happened upon this
and liked this

I had forgotten about the desert peoples
the old ones where the Anasazi before
them in their stone dwellings amongst
the rock caverns of the mid west

ancient peoples with a grasp on the heavens
and the stars

before computers
before the distractions of life

author comment

"K a c h i n k a" is a river in Russia, I think I have written about the Hopi and their myths, I shall look tomorrow in the forenoon.
I believe the Hopi had the same problem as today Drought and loss of crops it decimated their way to near extinction..
I loved the words you used and the story told, I shall find it now though it is late:-

Kachina of the Hopi

There are so many of you
Holding sway with our nation
We of the Hopi yearn for your wisdom
Your powers over air and water
Talk to us in gentle tones

Let our ancestors rejoice at our life
Let them release us from misery
From the memories we had of long ago
Let fertility become your watchword
As you tend to our people and crops

We teach our children of your ways
We make your form to show them
The creatures of the Earth
Adorn the images of your form
With feathers and seed of the Earth

We will teach our children to walk tall
We will sing and dance your praises
At the Soyal we will renew our vows
Ahola oh ancient one watch over our sun
You led our people that long time past

We walked from the Mountains of the East
To the great plains of the Middle land
You showed us the track of the sun
Hear us now oh special one
We ask only that which we need

Forgive us our wants that we can live again
Send to us Chaveyo, show those that do wrong
Put our people on the road of the Great Spirit
You are many where we are now few
I will talk to you again Great Spirit

Forgive this lowly creature
Take my love and praise for ever

This is one of a few pieces I wrote of the North American Indians Myths, I hope you enjoy, Yours Ian.T

There are a million reasons to believe in yourself,
So find more reasons to believe in others..

can't find any meaning for K a c h i n k a except it sounds to me like the ring of a cash register, which doesn't fit.
The last line about a Purifier rings of judgement and condemnation to me. Purification resonates of sin and racial cleansing.

I like the poem because it rings linguistically, but meaning-wise I am very suspicious.

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