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One Man March

A man was marching through his mind.
An empty cell to fulfill his time.
Long before he traveled lands,
He blistered truth with burned up hands.
Many miles and water sailed out for nothing,
and still he failed.
A man was marching into space.
An endless look expressed his face.
This forced impression along the ride,
Consumed illusions to take his pride.
The need for more to take the fall.
Below the belt and made to crawl.
A man was marching into lead,
He used his guilt to count his greed.
A path that’s chosen and not yet made,
Where he’s going to lights will fade.
A man was marching into fate,
Love will falter and cease to hate.
This man that march but never left,
Stood his post to wait for death.

Style / type: 
Free verse
Last few words: 
Just a poet trying to share my verse.
Editing stage: 
Content level: 
Not Explicit Content
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The below is a computer-generated response from Neo, Neopoet's computer artificial intelligence:

Thank you for sharing your poem "One Man March". Your poem is a reflection of a man's journey through life, his struggles, and his ultimate fate. The poem is rich in imagery and uses metaphors to convey the man's emotions and experiences.

The first stanza sets the tone for the rest of the poem, with the man "marching through his mind" and an "empty cell to fulfill his time". This suggests a sense of restlessness and a feeling of being trapped. The use of the phrase "blistered truth with burned up hands" is powerful and conveys a sense of pain and struggle.

The second stanza continues the theme of restlessness, with the man "marching into space" and an "endless look expressed his face". The use of the phrase "consumed illusions to take his pride" suggests that the man is struggling with his own sense of identity and purpose.

The third stanza is particularly powerful, with the man "marching into lead"

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