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An Old Friend

An Old Friend
Written by Kelly Ann Wilson

I walked through those hospital doors
They put all of the lines in my arms
And cut first into my chest
And then my heart
And the surgeon said
You’re a tough kid

I got my first tattoo
The day I turned old enough too
And then, I got another
The truth is that by the last one
I didn’t even feel it
Sink into my skin

He said to me, you’re used to this
You can take more than I can
I just don’t have it in me
I can’t hold on like you have
And even though you never would
I’m giving up on us
All to not do what it would take
To become a better man

And I wonder
How can they even be surprised
When they find out
What I survived
Like they haven’t watched me suffer
Right infront of their eyes
So, what’s a little violence
Once you’ve fought for your life
Shouldn’t it make sense to them?

The day that I am no longer called resilient
Will mean I am finally safe
Like I deserved to be all along
Didn’t I?
But maybe I’m not someone
Who’s meant for peace
I have to fight and revolt and bleed
For what I believe in
Because I’m the one who can

Pain is an old friend

Written December 2, 2023
© 2023 Kelly Ann Wilson

Style / type: 
Free verse
Review Request (Intensity): 
Please use care (this is a sensitive subject for me, do not critique harshly)
Last few words: 
Read my writer’s blog at
Editing stage: 
Content level: 
Not Explicit Content


Excellent write! I feel like you are telling my life story! A fantastic write! my favorite lines are:

And I wonder
How can they even be surprised
When they find out
What I survived
Like they haven’t watched me suffer
Right infront of their eyes
So, what’s a little violence
Once you’ve fought for your life
Shouldn’t it make sense to them?

and the last verse sums it up beautifully!
as pain IS an old friend!

*hugs, Cat

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