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Love Affair (Complete Version)

We were long into the summer
with the grass sweet and
the crabapples grainy and sour
on our pre-pubescent tongues.

The sun shadowed a clock onto
the street and it was time for food
and families.
That night I lay in bed with the
radio courting my dreams
while you slid into my friend's room and
seduced him to join you
in a world of make-believe,
helping him to get dressed;
pull those pants up around his neck
and tighten the belt.

The next afternoon, sweaty
from sunny summer play,
I was on the stairs when
Mother told me he had run away
with you. My knees went weak
like the time when little Suzie
kissed my cheek. I grabbed the
rail to steady as my breath
sucked in mucus and tears.

Later that evening, I lay awake
looking for you and day dreaming
of that belt slipping
around my neck, teasing me
with the caress of heat
offered from a soft whisper
against my skin, sending shivers
through my mourning flesh.

I saw you then for the first time
in your black veil and funeral dress,
your beauty unmatched by my naive trials.
You called to me to be with you
and see my friend again.
I wanted to go. I really did.
But I was a child full
of the fear that god would reject
my soul. I pulled the sheets over
my head to quiet the cries, all the while
hoping that sleep would steal my breath.

It wasn't fair. I wanted to go, too.
I wanted you to seduce me.

It would seem that Summer
had become your mating
the sun rising on
another solstice,
barely able to cast
a shadow
on my chin
as, once again,
you lifted your black skirt
and led another
to your astral plane.
His eulogy was nothing
short of plagiarism;
a capturing of words
once meant to comfort
now fell from the sky
like birds whose wings
were dipped in the wax
of hell's
I laid in wait
for you
that night,
my hands folded
in a casket
ready to receive
and cup the bottle
of pills
like it was my last
of water.
I imagined your touch;
the tiny beads of death
sticking to my palms
in a nervous sweat;
if your
would be soft and sweat
like Summer's
if they would quiver
with anticipation
as the pills passed
over mine own.
But the sorrow I shed
that night
was not for my friend.
did not come;
stood me up
and once
it wasn't fair. I wanted to go, too.
I wanted you to seduce me.

The loneliness of that night
wrote love's number
on the back of my hand
and then taxied her


like the sweet blonde
in the back seat
of that car,
locking eyes with me,
as distance swirled
into a ghost
with no haunt


a stalker
in the making
trying to hold feelings together
with air

while you shacked up
with Mother Nature
to lure my friend into the Winters night



but the alcohol
in his veins. You were real


vivid, sexy, alluring
my teenage confusion hustled the night
your fingers to embrace my throat.

My parents
the elders said to scorn you
and my friends,
my dead friends
said I should lay with you

as they had.

And still I am alone.

It wasn't fair. I wanted to go, too.
I wanted you to seduce me.

For a moment you began
to fade
like paper in fire,
black dust blending away
into the breath of night.

Not that I didn't think
of you.
I had just found other
explorations that denied
faith and
self and

I wasn't happy.

I wasn't sad.

I wasn't anything
other than

So I didn't notice when you began courting
your next beau. Ignored you
as you led him,
past the crabapple trees and Summer fields swaying
to a private afternoon on his

when you would offer
what was left of your virtue,

boil his lust to a craze
like a mutt gone rabid,
foaming and glassy-eyed,

for the moon to appear
because the sun burns with a rage
masquerading as passion

that builds within...
builds within...
builds until he concedes
to pulling his own trigger as you whisper a bullet in his ear,

spray painting graffiti across his bedroom wall.

I ran to the noise,
got there just in time to read the words

"" sliding down the wall.

I was numb - beyond numb.
I may as well have been a vial of morphine
killing pain I never knew could exist.

He loved you
or did he love his parents? his brother? girlfriend?

me? He was never
going to answer those questions.

I found myself alone


It wasn't fair. I wanted to go, too.
I wanted you to seduce me.

I missed them
missed them all
I missed you
missed you most of all
awaited your next visit
like a child chasing their birthday
blowing out that candle
wishing for you to come and take me.

I had never wanted
until I wanted you.
Now I invented time
just so I could think about you
carved the words "i love you"
into my wrists
All the while hating you
for fucking my friends
and not me.

Why wasn't I good enough for you?


No, I take that back! Please,
let me take that back.
I didn't mean it...but I did.
It must have hurt you
because you left another
like a branch broken in the wind
swaying until it falls
and decays
six feet into the ground.

I'm sorry.
I just wanted to be with you,
be with them,
be something

other than alone.

It wasn't fair. I wanted to go, too.
I wanted you to seduce me.

Winter pushed its way into our lives
the wind chapping our faces red
cooling tears into an icy vein
as the ground beneath sat hard and empty,
a caged lion hollow from the lack of the hunt
waiting for us to feed it
a piece of flesh torn from our souls.

You didn't take this one,
that thing my family worshipped,
prayed to,
called their god
wrested his presence from me,
left me sobbing like a toddler
on the edge of a coffin hole
wanting to jump in
searching for him,
searching for them,
searching for you.

This pain was more than
I ever wanted to feel,
a culmination of time...of life...of all things gone by
memories pushing on my heart to stop
or to beat again
I couldn't tell,
for this woman stole my words
kissed them from my lips
a taste so beautiful it became confusing
to hold death and love in the same hand
as a wing gone broken, unable to fly
but knowing that flapping that wing
was the only way to survive.

She was all things beautiful.
Everything a lonely,
insecure teen could summon
in the depths of sleep.
I lay with her, a god and goddess
rolling in the clouds
unaware of the world that died beneath us.

She left when we played gladiators,
fed him to the lion,
ran away with a life that she had run away from.
Left me looking for you
for you were the other, the only,
the love for which I pined.

It was then you knocked on my door
let the wind bang against the shutters
trying to tell me you were her
that you had come to visit me
teach me how to love and leave and die.
I felt you, held you, kissed you and lay with you.
She left. You always left.

There was loving. There was leaving.

Now it was time to die.

Review Request (Intensity): 
I want the raw truth, feel free to knock me on my back
Editing stage: 


An ambitious work indeed. Not sure if this to be classified more as a dramatic monologue or a story told. I mean as long as there is only one persona talking. Not sure though.

I understand that the speaker wanted to commit suicide to be with his friend? His lover..Right?
Then he tried to commit suicide to be with her more than once but he didn't until the last stanza when he cut his wrist while writing "I Love You" ...Please put me on the right track if I am out.

The stanza is a bit confusing. Is "She" your friend? Or death? Or death personalized in her. I think this part needs a bit of work to show this.

"for this woman stole my words
kissed them from my lips
a taste so beautiful it became confusing
to hold death and love in the same hand
as a wing gone broken, unable to fly
but knowing that flapping that wing
was the only way to survive."

I loved the repitition of the "It wasn't fair. I wanted to go, too.
I wanted you to seduce me."

Also the line
"over mine own"
shouldn't read something like ..."over my own" ...or simply "over mine"

Of course there is more to be said. But I shall leave it for other friends to give their thoughts. I wish Wesley will show up for you too. He has a better sense when it comes to story telling.
As I said Scott, this is really an ambitious work and needs to be read more than once to give a satisfying feedback.


Poetry is when an emotion has found its thought and the thought has found words ........Robert Frost☺

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Thank you for taking the time to comment on this work. It has been an ambitious process. Still in rough draft so I hope to clean up what you mention along with quite a bit of other things.

There are separate suicides in each stanza. 1 thru 5 take friends, 6 takes the narrator. The introduction of a lover in 6 does need better definition. She is both physical and then metaphysical. So it would be death personalized in her.

Over "mine" own. Could be my. I will take a look at that in re-write.

Again, appreciate you stopping by and taking the time. This is not a short read by any stretch. Look forward to your thoughts on the edits. I will look to improve the read with the hopes of it being digestible on first read.




author comment

A soliloquy. A single speaker in reflection telling a tale.
You know how I feel about poems of length, so I needn't discuss that.
"Mine" is grammatically correct. Also, "my".

I don't like the line breaks. They seem too arbitrary and make it flow a bit too much like prose. No suggestions though other than to try and complete some thoughts in a single line. When you separate them do so for effect and not because a line has grown too long.
The subject is riveting. Young people seeking Death in many ways. Being seduced by her.
I missed the "reason" however. Why did our narrator seek Death? We needn't be told why the others did. This is unknown to our protagonist, but his reasoning (even hinted at) would have been a way to bring us closer to him and thereby suffer all the more when he succeeds. All we are given is his angst at not having his chance as well. Why did he want the chance? Is it simply because all those close to him were dying?
The language use is strong as expected. The line breaks trouble me. They improved as you went on. Compare what you did in the last half with the first and perhaps you will see what I mean.
Good storytelling though.
I will be starting a workshop on Dramatic Verse in a couple of weeks. I would like to see you there. We will write a monologue (not unlike this though shorter) and a one act play with multiple characters. All in verse.

W. H. Snow

A poet is a nightingale, who sits in darkness and sings to cheer its own solitude with sweet sounds. Percy Bysshe Shelley

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I will get to work on the line breaks. I was going for an effect of different voices based on the chronological age of the narrator during each subsequent attempt. Also, a change in language and flow based on the familiarity with the mistress and the desperation to be with her.

His only reason for wanting to die was to be with them. I thought that was encapsulated in the Part 1. Let me know if it failed. I am too close to this work to be objective about parts of it.




author comment
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