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Lift me Up..tell me good news!

Tell me about a happy child who
with love and for love grows.
Tell me about a place
where grace rules,
where mercy fills up hearts
of the young and the old ,
where greediness and
poverty are mere words,
where no one shelters the
Man to Man abuse and
the wound won't scar
nor shall the bruise.

Style / type: 
Free verse
Editing stage: 


There is a place I know
That one day I will surely go
It is free from all those bad things
Some of the children have Angels wings
It's run by Unconditional love
It's neither below or above
It is all around where ever we be
It's a place that is called Eternity.

Even our Gods will be meek when they enter there,
Yours Ian.T

PS:- There are no wounds there to heal,
just like souls to love and enjoy

There are a million reasons to believe in yourself,
So find more reasons to believe in others..

It's becoming a mad world all around.
I know what I am seeking is only a heavenly thing.
I know it is all utopian.
Thanks for your kind visit.


Poetry is when an emotion has found its thought and the thought has found words ........Robert Frost☺

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author comment

Utopian, indeed. Well written - absolutely!
Particularly liked these lines
"where no one shelters the
Man to Man abuse"
Clever concept of giving abuse no quarter, place to hide!
and then these are my favourite lines -
"the wound won't scar
nor shall the bruise."
Very well written!


Really kind of you to visit my work and give those encouraging words.
Much appreciate it.


Poetry is when an emotion has found its thought and the thought has found words ........Robert Frost☺

Please follow me on Instagram

author comment

Its been a while, I have to say this is really well written, I love the concept I have a poem similar to this one but I really thought this was excellent

And like Boni my favourite lines where these

"the wound won't scar
nor shall the bruise."

Nice to read you again

hugs JC x

“The world is full of magic things, patiently waiting for our senses to grow sharper.” — W.B. Yeats

I can feel the longing! by your title alone! Wouldn''t the place you describe be a wonderful place!

A place of security, respect and justice - a safe haven for all.

Excellent poem - emotionally charged.

Love Mand xxxxx

In this day and world it sometimes seems that only bad things happen doesn't it? But one needs only to pay attention to one's surroudings to see that small kindnesses are happening all around us every day. I might be as small as somebody saying thank you or seeing a person smile at a baby as it passes by.
Now being my ol' picky self I can't leave without at least One suggestion lol.....hmmmm........try deleteing "the" in line 5............................stan

Sorry for the belated reply all. Family commitmenents is consuming my time and mind these days so please forgive me. Hope the coming days to be a bit better as today is the last exam's day. The holidays will start, so I expect I can spare some time for myself.

Stan..I've dropped the 'the' as suggested.
Thank you


Poetry is when an emotion has found its thought and the thought has found words ........Robert Frost☺

Please follow me on Instagram

author comment

rula ,you hit a strong note in my own heart,


this is a dying world
where nothing last
just like the rain
it, too will come to pass

this cycle of life
is a trial for Mankind
where faith can be led astray
and the hearts turned blind

do not despair, dear friend
for hope is not dead
hold true to your faith
never let go of courage

the place you seek exist
not a mere foolish dream
but first you must be worthy
of the place you seek

for the gift of paradise
belongs to those, chosen by Him
and within it
there is no pain, no sadness
and no sufferings


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