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The King and I

Knowing glances, and glaring scorn
were how King Rodney's rep was born.
Earth's gravitational pull aside,
King Rodney wanted to simply hide!
coercedly cast in public's eye
King Rodney, way too young to die.

Sorrow's sweaty palm on his brow
"Can't we all just get along, somehow?"
A troubled past has worn him down,
his worried grimace, a perpetual frown.
Decidedly cast into the public's eye
King Rodney, way too young to die.

Then the strangest set of circumstances
as if that check could stop those knowing glances;
"Can't we all just get along?"
Became King Rodney's anthem, strong.
Coercedly cast in the public's eye
King Rod, way too young to die.

A similar thing did happen to me
a desire rose to be addiction free,
I quit using, the best I could
I attended rehab at Charter Oak Wood.
Troubles sure can make a body, sigh
into the dual-diagnosed for the King and I.

My A.A. sponsor, our counselor "Red
eight years ago, he ended up dead.
An overdose and too much to drink
caused "Red's" family's hearts to sink.
We're never privvy to the reasons, "why?",
old "Red", way too young to die.

Broke but "cured"....and back on track
King Rodney turned right back to Crack
seems the Devil's work's not completely done
until the game he's finally won;
There's really no time to mope, or cry
Boy Howdy! We're all going to die!

I spent ninety days with good KIng Rod
as my roomate he was decidedly, "odd";
hearing of his death was quite a blow,
guess it's always like that when it's someone ou know;
King Rod gave sobriety the old, "college try",
"Red", and King Rod way too young to die.

Recon it's true what former addicts say
one has to hit thier bottom, to change thier way;
my pals both gone, the friendship bubble has burst;
out of three I'm the only one to hit his bottom, first;
"Red", and King Rod were gentle soul, kinds of guys,
but, sometimes the bottom's where the true addict dies.

Style / type: 
Structured: Western
Review Request (Intensity): 
I want the raw truth, feel free to knock me on my back
Last few words: 
It's true. Met him in rehab.
Editing stage: 


and the title took me in to read . it is not normal to be with kings in the same place,
and an experience which might not be offered so often.
Enjoyed the story and would be more interesting if typos are given a better check especially in the last stanza..
Thanks for sharing..


Poetry is when an emotion has found its thought and the thought has found words ........Robert Frost☺

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...I am in need of a new keyboard.
10 - Q.

Neopoet is "newtriffic" !
...from the heart, or a reasonable faxcimile;
david a. goodwin #{:>{)} @==

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