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Creative Intoxication

My creativity embodies my very mindset
Inspiration expressed not just an outlet
My discretion as an artist not to be repressed
Laid out in any form allowing others to digest
Thoughts manipulated then conveyed
Carefully constructed, hoping your amazed
A creative mind never compromised
My message ambitious yet always realized
You influence my passions and intentions
You see your essence is forever mentioned
Never censoring my words or ability
You bring about a flexible Impossibility
Your attention each word playfully awaits
In anticipation my ideas will then intoxicate
Appreciating adoration as words sway
Reciting each verse in my poetic play
I can’t suppress my darkest obsession
You see you are my creative expression
Every line has been designed you know
Comprised of passions I need to show
So if this is how I spark your interest
I would do it all over again in an instant

Style / type: 
Structured: Western
Review Request (Intensity): 
I appreciate moderate constructive criticism
Review Request (Direction): 
What did you think of my title?
What did you think of the rhythm or pattern or pacing?
How does this theme appeal to you?
How was the beginning/ending of the poem?
Is the internal logic consistent?
Editing stage: 
Content level: 
Not Explicit Content
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Intoxication...yes! Great description of the love to create poetry for someone! It's exciting, and passionate! This feels like a rap when I read it aloud, which is all good. Invigorating. I look forward to reading more of your work.
Thank you!

Thank you so much I appreciate the read and commenting

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Thank you so much I appreciate the read and commenting

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