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After the Storm

I won’t worry any more
Like I used to before
I won’t worry; I’ll just fall in the doorway…
‘Cause it’s alright; alright?

I won’t shake away
All those damned head aches
I won’t shake; I’ll just close my eyes and prey
‘Cause someone’s got my heart in a cage
And it’s alright; alright?

This one is calling my name
A simple, subtle love; was this all a game?
‘Cause I don’t have the time…. alright?

I won’t worry any more
My easel on the floor
I won’t worry, my mind has faded away
I won’t calm down, no way…

(In the distance, thunder rolls. Then slowly, but surely, rain drops. They progress until they make everything else inaudible, a crackle of fire roars alongside the storm.)

And when I catch my breath, you’ll be sitting there,
On the couch with your tears in your palms.
I am across the room, a dirty old heart in my hand.
A fire roars, and I still cannot understand
Your calm eyes grasp my soul
You sit me down and mend our broken home

Even though I was screaming through the walls
The babies crying in the next room,
I was a monster in her eyes.
You showed me your heart;
Gave me a reason to drop the bottle
I won’t slur my speech any more,
Nothing like I did before
I won’t yell any more,
Nothing like I was before
I won’t cause you tears any more
Nothing like I did before.
I will calm down, it’ll all be alright.

Editing stage: 


this was very nice... i can't help but think about my children now that their young adults and i have to say i think it'll be alright...alright?


Tommi Cordial

Dawn breaks over marble head...

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