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Editing - polished draft

Running brushes

For you my ink would never stop running
For you're the only one in my mind
That could make my feelings overflow
And my heart fill with black ink
Ink that just needs to spill.

Sometimes I listen to the beat of my heart
Before I eventually remember what I want
I only need the soft sound of your heart
To make me snap out of my thoughts
As you're the one who brings me back to reason

courtesy evil ferocious wraithlike grimace

Acrimonious scurrilous words
flew out the mouth
of vicious nasty shortish brute
leaving yours truly
as a key witness dumbfounded.

Outrageous spluttering claims
of stolen parcels
plus ransacked jewelry
totaling to the tune
of countless Benjamins
(hundred dollar bills)
viciously lobbed at dear wife of mine
as iterated in a previously written poem.

Easter Sunday

We had a nice dinner Easter Sunday
it was the end of March and I drank again
a tad too much tryna numb my brain
and mistook champagne for lidocaine
consumed till I faint, woke up 1 am, I may
have slept over to April's thirst day

On being emotionally bankrupt

Sentient beings distraught
psyche rent asunder
courtesy false accusations
heated words exchanged like gunfire
pox upon the house of Deborah Hunter,
a vicious vindictive
girlish looking septuagenarian woman
buzzfeeding unfounded conspiracy
that the missus steals packages
ever since we moved here
at Highland Manor Apartments

Good Read

Their memories shape and blend who I am.
Those I miss and are no longer here.
They’re like a crazy-long book that feels way to brief,

filled with short stories I never tire of. With each reading
from my book of hearts, I am grateful to the gifted authors
who share with me freely, what they still want to say,
written with love in stories that will always reside there.

Poets Advance

On a dark, gloopy, Anti-Matter Planet (AMP)
Oscillating in an alternate universe,
A Judicial Provost (JP) from the Department for Artistic Development (DAD)
Described one aspiring laureate as a “pontificating twiddler”.
Another poet he described as a “pretext for a prig”.

The Judicial Provost praised Wordless, Shakenwords and Jon Wood Knot.
He lambasted free verse and decried Wallace Whitwoman and Esmerald Tonne.
He spewed upon contemporary verse,
In all its manifest forms.


Written by Kelly Ann Wilson

*Content Warning*
Intimate partner violence and abuse

I know that there will never be justice.
What would justice even be?
He will never have to live in this world after being dismantled as a human being. After being chipped away at piece by piece until he doesn’t even recognize himself.

Tattletales And Gossip

Daffodils...those early spring gossips which come to tattle on summer every
year, are my favorite flower.

Don't get me wrong, crocus, tulips and others have been known to gossip and
tattle as well.

Every spring I listen as the flowers tell their tales, the birds vocalize their
wisdom, while the sun brings forth precious rays to offer encouragement to all.

It seems as though every season has its gossips who find it necessary to tattle
on the season ahead, also on one another.

Alive, Lost and Feels Alone

There are scores of holes in the soles of her shoes
She’s mainly paid daily by men she peruses
Cold streets, warm heart, no phone and no home
Lows and highs, she cheats and lies, and feels alone

Born with a spoon in her mouth, not silver
Tent by the river - she lives there and shivers
Ashamed to be raised with no mates nor praise
Awake every night and cat naps in the days


She could not stop questioning why I loved her.
How could I choose her? She used her scars as weapons,
cutting the offering into ribbons of doubt and hesitation,
never able to accept my assurances with her cutlass drawn.


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