Join the Neopoet online poetry workshop and community to improve as a writer, meet fellow poets, and showcase your work. Sign up, submit your poetry, and get started.

A few updates

We've made a few improvements to Neopoet this week:

--We've added a new style of notification for private messages (just test it out -- it's a lot of fun).
--We've made the workshop/stream page a lot more usable (we're finally splitting the stream into pages of 10 poems each):
--We've created a "delete" button for poems and blog entries (a much requested feature!). (Please note we reserve the right to keep a backup of deleted content in our archives and backups for a period of time). You may also continue to use the "unpublish" feature if you just want to take work out of the public view.
--We've hidden the (somewhat useless) "revision information" field when you go to edit a poem or blog entry -- this will reduce clutter and make the site easier to use.
--We've made an update to the password reset process for new members.
We hope, in the near future, to launch the first of our many workshops. If you'd like to be involved, please let us know ( One note: if you have applied already, please be patient! We haven't made our selection of workshops leaders yet.


Thank you for all the improvements. I love tuning in and have messages *appear*.

Some questions:

1. Does this mean anyone can access and re-enter Neopoet now without password issues?

2. How's the merging of the old & new coming? The three months that are lost?

3. How do we make money contributions?

Thanks again,

1. Hopefully -- this solves one password-related issue we are aware of -- it's possible that this still isn't entirely trouble free.

2. No progress on this front. We are considering trying another data recovery vendor, though this one will be much more expensive -- in the ballpark of $5,000. We don't have that on hand, but are thinking about how to do this. It's unlikely we'll merge the two sites together in any case, though we might manually import some accounts (for example, purplemoondoll). Certainly if we get any data back we'll make it available on

3. Anna, thank you very much in advance. You can do this through PayPal (e-mail is "official" or "andrew" at Neopoet) or by mail (though if you send something by mail, let us know in advance to expect it): Neopoet, 2885 Sanford Ave SW #14203, Grandville, MI 49418

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Hi again, Andrew.

I just visited the old Neopoet. Now it seems my poetry archives contain only the poetry from my May 7, 2008 entrance to April 26, 2009. Last time I looked I all my poetry *survived* except for the missing three months prior to the crash suffered on September, 27, 2010.

Que Pasa? Perhaps from 4/26/09 to ? my poems are being merged into the new neopoet as archives?



Latest poem I see is "Secrets" from April 7, 2010:

Is this what you see?

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I get *access denied*

this is what I saw though I will now try to gain access (after several misteps typing in Kailashana on the white search (with magnifying glass) gave me access to the aforementioned 6 pages of poems

(if I have anything new to report after I attempt that strategy, I shall.)


Update: No dice, Andrew, in my search for my page, (only accessing it with entering my Name in the search bar), the same 6 pages are accessible.

Are you logged in to the archive site?

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But all logging's in are strange, I could not go on when barry was on but I was able to get to my poems while searching my name.

Should I log out and log in under your link? Is that what you are recommending?

WIll do when I return this evening. Thanks.


I can imagine how hard you guys must be working to bring about the improvements and changes mentioned mean effort...

perhaps you may not have had time to read a technical problem i posted about a week ago concerning my not being able to access personal messages...dan told me it is via tools but that doesnt work for me...similarly for posting a poem i need to go to workshop page and get to the link at the bottom right of that there a simpler way to do it?...i am not able to log out of Neopoet....

i had enquired in that message if the above problems have anything to do with my presently using Internet Explorer 6 as a browser?...

when you find some timme i shall appreciate if you could help me solve thse problems...

warm regards...raj..

raj (sublime_ocean)

We really don't recommend IE6. We made a decision early on to not support it -- IE6 uses a very peculiar (and now very obsolete) set of rules to display webpages (it's now nearly a decade old), so to support it we would have to add all sorts of "hacks" that would increase development time and reduce our capacity to improve Neopoet. And IE 6 is now only 3.8% of market share globally (, and, in the past month, was only 2.72% of Neopoet visitors.

That said, we don't want to leave anybody behind. Please upgrade if at all possible! (this site may help: -- I personally use Google Chrome.

If you still need help, or have a real reason you can't upgrade, please contact us and I'll see how we might be able to make Neopoet more usable in IE6.

author comment

thank you for the information...i will definitely switch to IE 8 should possibly solve the problems i had listed...i appreciate your advise..

warm regards...raj..

raj (sublime_ocean)

This new notification pop up or slide up tab is quite impressive but could prove annoying. Could it drop down or be deactivated. It sticks up like an errant morning pole... and when you are working on a page or post you don't want too much distraction. It could also blink or flash or pulse... but just to stay up... The little "x"s on the top right corner of the notification should close the pop up and I hope it wouldn't delete the message with it ... ah well... we're still at the early stages, I am sure you will fine tune this. Thanks.

'write on! let these words free.'

If you just want to close the notification, the "close all" button appears when you have more than one message. Otherwise, if you only have one message, you can click "X" on the upper right hand corner of the green bubble.

This simply silences the notification bubble -- they messages will still appear as unread in your private message list, and you will continue to get the blue (much less visually "loud") notification on the top of the page.

Do you really want a way to deactivate the feature, or have you gotten used to it? Let me know if we should consider building this.

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I suppose it was just a knee jerk reaction to something new and brilliant. For now it doesn't pose any hassle or problem. Thanks so much for getting back to me.

'write on! let these words free.'

Pssssssssst - Andrew dear - do we have an eta on the chatroom? I'm horrible, I know.

It is such a secret place, the land of tears. ~Antoine de Saint-Exupéry

We want to launch our workshops first, but that's a difficult task. We hope to do it in the very very near future!

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If anyone still remember me, I'm Salma aka Genuine Breath.

Last night I recognized that Neopoet is up again and I hope everyone of you is doing well after this long time...

I as a person thought well of neo poets. Well now I change my mind. Not only have you lost all of my work as well as making me jump through hoops like a circuse dog. You don't give a xxxx So I say goodby as a fool said in a dream I saw the light to the end of the tunnel yet when I got there it was solid and black. Thanks for nothing but waisting my time. Your has been friend Sakkkkkkkkkkkkkkk.

Steven A. Kacer

Steven A. Kacer

I'm having a little issue when I go to tools and down to "Your works". Instead of showing me my work - it's showing me the all of the site activity.

It is such a secret place, the land of tears. ~Antoine de Saint-Exupéry

Please use the "contact" link next time so this goes straight to me.

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(c) No copyright is claimed by Neopoet to original member content.