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Noble and Ignoble

The wooden cup stood up
and said to the silver
What is the difference betwix you and I?
Tell me what is the Unlikeness?
Lips press against me just
as they press
against you
They slobber
wine down the side
of our cup and flute
until they can hardly stand
and are unconscious and mute
They grasp us and drop us
in their stupor and rage
They throw us and pick us up
and press us against their lips
again and again.
The silver goblet shined intensely
and outweighed the wooden thing immensely
Then he
spoke to the wooden cup
and commanded his attention
"I say, enough is enough!"
"In life their are things of Noble
and Ignoble distinction."
"Please allow me to make the clarification."
My use is defined
in that they are only surrounded
by the lips of Kings, Queens and Princes
and all who are Royal and Fine
never to be entwined
in the hands of
ordinary men and women.
And that O wooden cup is the discrimin
Understand this day the distinction between the
purpose of you and I
Is that I am purposed for a fine occasion
Your use is lowly
and my use
Is High.
Yes, we will both be used
and it is the bottom line
but my use will be
by the lips that
wrap around
me every time.
My purpose is
and HIgh
and that is
the fine line
between you and I.

Style / type: 
Free verse
Review Request (Direction): 
What did you think of my title?
How was my language use?
What did you think of the rhythm or pattern or pacing?
How does this theme appeal to you?
How was the beginning/ending of the poem?
Is the internal logic consistent?
[This option has been removed]
Last few words: 
Purpose It is an everyday theme. What will your ultimate purpose be. Is there a such thing as being better, or having a finer or higher purpose? Of course there is . In this poem two drinking vestibules are having a conversation about their purpose. The wooden cup challenges the silver goblet. The silver goblet answers with wit and elegant prose. It is an imaginative detailing purpose. It is an ancient duel between the protagonist and the antagonist.
Editing stage: 


heartfelt. (Imo) it doesn't need the author's additional note.
I thought this really eloquent
Welcome to the Neo..


Poetry is when an emotion has found its thought and the thought has found words ........Robert Frost☺

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