Join the Neopoet online poetry workshop and community to improve as a writer, meet fellow poets, and showcase your work. Sign up, submit your poetry, and get started.

Splash Pool

Workshop for beginners. Here new poets and those just beginning to learn poetry can interact with each other and receive light feedback and ideas from each other and from the Moderators/Leaders. Main purpose of workshop is to help the attendees improve their own poetry and helping them with offering critique.

Poets of West Africa in English

This workshop is now solely about the works of Wole Soyinka and discussion of them.
Phases 2,3 and 4:
2- Other popular poets past and present in the region.
3- Discussion of trends, influence of politics, accent and grammar issues, and publishing possibilities in the region.
4- Neopoet members from the region offering poems about WA, their specific country, and culture.

Will be run as separate workshops starting early in the near year."

Poets first poems

Description: Post your first ever or earliest poem

Leader: Jess (weirdelf)
Moderator(s): Wesley

Objectives: Just for curiosity, to see where we've come from.

Level of expertise: Open to all

Subject matter: Most of these poems will be polished or not actively editing. This is not really a workshop but more 'I'll show you mine if you show me yours' of our earliest works.

Most important:- Remember when posting your first poem to scroll down to 'Workshop' dropdown and select 'Poets first poems'.

Fri, 06/23/2017 to Tue, 06/23/2020

IMAGERY IN POETRY( ready to start?)

Description: A participant driven shop dealing with most aspects of imagery in poetry

Leader: Stan Holliday (scribbler)
Moderator(s): Wesley Snow

Objectives: To get poets more comfortable with using imagery to improve on poetry

Level of expertise: Open to all

Subject matter: We will practice using differing imagery starting with a single line then building up to entire poems. There will be a discussion to begin with and toward the end examine known poetry with imagery remove to show how great the difference can be

Sat, 06/24/2017 to Mon, 07/24/2017

How To Help With Critique

Objectives: To practice giving constructive feedback.

Level of expertise: Open to all, especially newcomers learning to give constructive feedback.

Subject matter: This is widely regarded as one of the worst poems of all time. For this workshop simply pretend that it a Neopoet member's first poem and write a critique. Keep it reasonably short, we can't all write a thesis on everyone's poems.
We will then critique each others critiques.

Sat, 10/15/2016 to Fri, 12/15/2017

Humor In Poetry

Description:A discussion on using humor in poetry writing. An exercise in using humor followed by writing two poems

Leader: China Blue
Moderator(s): JudyAnne

Objectives:learning how to write poetry with humor

Level of expertise: Open to all

Subject matter:looking at the lighter side of poetry writing

Wed, 01/07/2015 to Wed, 01/21/2015

Workshop: Renga 10 "Birds of a Feather"

Workshop: Renga 10 "Birds of a Feather"

Description: This is a meeting place for all poets on Neopoet to collaboratively write and learn Japanese poetry writing. In this workshop you will learn to write (4) four different Japanese poetry form.

1. Haiku
2. Senyru
3. Tanka
4. Renga

Leader: Barbara Writes

Sun, 08/31/2014 to Sun, 09/14/2014

Renga 9 "Hatred's Legacy"

Description: This is a meeting place for all poets on Neopoet to come and post verses of poetry to "Eternal Renga" So, come as a group or individual and post your verses anytime. This is an ongoing collaborative effort that could go on for hundreds of verses. A truly Neopoet group effort. Let's co-operate to create a truly Neopoet poem.

Leader: Barbara Writes

Objectives: To have everyone at Neopoet collaborating a Renga poem.

Level of expertise: Open to all.

Mon, 08/04/2014 to Mon, 08/18/2014

Renga 8 "A Song Of Passion"

Description: This is a meeting place for all poets on Neopoet to come and post verses of poetry to "Eternal Renga" So, come as a group or individual and post your verses anytime. This is an ongoing collaborative effort that could go on for hundreds of verses. A truly Neopoet group effort. Let's co-operate to create a truly Neopoet poem.

Leader: Barbara Writes

Objectives: To have everyone at Neopoet collaborating a Renga poem.

Level of expertise: Open to all.

Sun, 07/20/2014 to Sun, 07/27/2014

To serve poet.

Option One.

1 First slaughter the beast.
2. Skin very carefully, poet's hides vary between very thick and very, very thin.
3. Remove all choice cuts of flesh, they can be useful.
4. Remove all organs. -The brain provides delicious varied tastes, ranging from the delicate and sweet to chewy and shrivelled lumps of bitterness.
5. The heart is the prime choice, often disguised but always huge, sometimes misplaced.
6. Avoid the liver, it is often diseased.

Option Two.

Thu, 05/22/2014 to Sun, 06/22/2014

Renga By the Pool

Description: This is a meeting place for all poets on Neopoet to come and post verses of poetry to "Eternal Renga" So, come as a group or individual and post your verses anytime. This is an ongoing collaborative effort that could go on for hundreds of verses. A truly Neopoet group effort. Let's co-operate to create a truly Neopoet poem.

Leader: Barbara Writes

Objectives: To have everyone at Neopoet collaborating a Renga poem.

Level of expertise: Open to all.

Sun, 05/11/2014 to Sun, 05/18/2014


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