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Just a thought Barbara gave me and the elf said to share

The romantic period began around the late 18th century
and characterized art throughout the 19th. It concerned itself with the plight of the common man in relation to nature and the natural world. Previously, in the baroque period it was all about the monarchy, the nobility. Romanticism was all about the artist being an individual instead of being sponsored by a nobleman. Hence, the image of the starving writer still plying his art.
One of the new styles of the romantic period was to attempt to write poetry, music, painting and more that actually expressed the emotion of the subject matter.
Beethoven wrote "The Tempest" in an attempt to express the beginning of Shakespeare's play of the same name.
"The Raven" by Poe makes us nervous and uncomfortable.
The romantic changed the way we produce our art and for the moment, considering what and how we write, the beginning of the romantic era still effects everything we do.

W. H. Snow


I have a book here written and printed in the 1800's of Charles Kingsley, several different writes are in there and it can be offered as a prize to any competition that someone can come up with, it is not made of gold and has been used over the last 120 years.
Have a think on this. I don't mind sending it to the winner as a gesture, I think they anyone would enjoy owning it, as small as it is.
I was thinking of the reasons for the way poets and storytellers wrote as they did books coming into their own in the 1800's before that, many of the writes were for the religious fraternity, or non, as it went or by order of the crown, specifically issued to keep the people controlled, later we find that even Dickens would write historically, then as today the expressionists came in that put dreams to print, such as Poe and many others, could you imagine the work of Picasso being acceptable back in even Turners days.
We have now evolved to be able to write about anything, though your formats and old strict forms of poetry could have held many back.
The world is near free to express its self in any form now, not sure if it is good but I shall hope it is.

Yours Ian
PS:- Was only born in 42 missed all those romantic years but as you know that 42 is the answer to everything so it was really a good year..

There are a million reasons to believe in yourself,
So find more reasons to believe in others..

this is really informative.
Thanks for sharing sir!


Poetry is when an emotion has found its thought and the thought has found words ........Robert Frost☺

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And here I thought the romantic period was the first few years of being married lol. But on the serious side this is an informative tid bit........stan

The poem that I feel most comfortable with, perhaps it is because of my non-conformist ways. The Romantic period has definitely changed things and continues to influence our daily lives. Very informative.

Keep Writing,

"Quoth said the Raven, NEVERMORE"

I felt it was important that people understand that in poetry terms, and other art forms, 'Romantic' does not mean Mills and Boone boy meets girl etc. It means something a lot more and quite different, as you have expressed so well.

A new workshop on the most important element of poetry-
'Rhythm and Meter in Poetry'

my favorite era of writing. It defied the logic of social norms and gave us all something to think about. The term "romantic" has a much broader meaning and range than just "boy meets girl." Makes us think how narrow minded we are in terms of vocabulary. Words have so many meanings......

Keep Writing,

"Quoth said the Raven, NEVERMORE"

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