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I reckon we are all familiar with odes to such high minded things as love or loyalty. This month we're gonna write an ode to something common like a lawn mower or old jacket or such. Still want to maintain a high language use level. So trim the quilt and get to writing . PS don't forget to use contest tab and put (April contest) next to title..


I realised that not many people know what an ode is, strictly speaking.

Since the Irregular is an acknowledged form of the ode I won't bore the participants with the details but the Wiki article is pretty good if anyone is interested-

A new workshop on the most important element of poetry-
'Rhythm and Meter in Poetry'

Of course the contest idea came from this month's judge. I appreciate you adding a link to definition of ode. I figured if somebody as unschooled in poetry as I am knew what an ode is Everybody knew lol

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