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Hi Folks

Some might be wondering why I'm, again, not commenting as much as usual. The medic I'm taking to alleviate the pain and numbness in my right arm and shoulder is apparently losing its effectiveness. I'm still reading but the typing required for commenting is becoming a bit difficult. I'm scheduled to see a spine and pain specialist on the 19th. Perhaps there is a non-surgical remedy available..........stan


Not to worry, we will be here a while yet..
I take two Gabapentin (Neurontin) tablets three time a day they are the 400mg ones so that is 2400mg's per day.
I use to have severe pain from a C4 injury but these keep the pain away.
The side effects of the problem is Numbness in extremities, like when I look down my fingers start to go stupid, and all the time I have a numbness in my toes.
My late sister phoned me one day and was worried that the doctor had told her to take 900gm's per day.
I will say that they work so maybe they are the ones you need.
You just take it easy and see to those important things,
wife and immediate family they are the precious things.
Take care my friend and enjoy the Autumn,
Yours, Ian..

Give critique to help keep Neopoet great.
Unconditional love to you all.
"Learn to love yourself first"
Yours as always, Ian.T, Sparrow, and Yenti

I am on the same thing just 3 three hundred mg pills per day. Even with the things not working as well as they did initially it's still better than when I first started on them. I know one thing.If that pain management bunch I'll be seeing later suggests some type opiate I'm gonna tell them to go to hell lol. I have enough to worry about without becoming addicted to pain killers.......well....time for last pill of the day......stan

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They will just up your dose to 3X 400 per day to start.
Hope you come right with all these things, just think better and we will send all the healing we can,
Yours Ian, Anne and the Children.. Sadie says "Hi"

Give critique to help keep Neopoet great.
Unconditional love to you all.
"Learn to love yourself first"
Yours as always, Ian.T, Sparrow, and Yenti

The orthopedic surgeon who will be removing broken surgical bolts from one knee then doing total knee replacements on both thinks the nerve damage causing arm pain is likely result of a neck problem. So that could mean anything from higher dose of these pain killers to surgery. I'm gonna look like one big piece of patchwork lol......stan

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That's where I get my nerve pain from I have C4 damage, don't even know when or where I did it but it was there on an MRI scan.
The consultant said it was dangerous to operate and if I didn't get much worse then they would let it be so I live with it.
We olduns with injuries that we can't remember when we did them.
As long as you just realise it is there and adjust your life style accordingly you will be fine but I bet he will up your dose, not to worry about the tablets they is just to stop the nerve pain and are very good.
NO side effects here except I keep writing poetry lol
Take care you two and know we are thinking of you both.
Yours Ian, Anne and the Children

Give critique to help keep Neopoet great.
Unconditional love to you all.
"Learn to love yourself first"
Yours as always, Ian.T, Sparrow, and Yenti

It is indeed neck damage I'm fairly certain when it happened. A defective tree stand gave way beneath me over 30 years ago when I'd reached a height of about 12 feet. Was planning on climbing to 20 feet. On the way down I had time to think "better tuck your chin". I landed on area where shoulder and neck come together. On impact acorns fell from trees and a mini tsunami occurred on nearby lakes lol. For almost a month I had to turn torso instead of neck to look sideways. I sometimes wonder if I almost broke my neck. (think how much bad poetry people would have been spared from!). I guess I'll know soon...............stan

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Just repeated what Sparrow said
Just repeated what Sparrow said
He is rude told me to P off
He is rude told me to P off

Give critique to help keep Neopoet great.
Unconditional love to you all.
"Learn to love yourself first"
Yours as always, Ian.T, Sparrow, and Yenti

Health is first. my post "Darling" will be waiting patiently. :)


Poetry is when an emotion has found its thought and the thought has found words ........Robert Frost☺

Please follow me on Instagram


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Be well soon. I am sure you will do all possible including trying to type with your toes or nose. Fun apart wishing you the very best treatment and full recovery...take best care...


raj (sublime_ocean)

I've jobs which I'm obligated to complete before I can take almost a year off recovering from surgeries.
As to writing, worse case scenario would be voice activated program lol.....stan

author comment

if there r too many medicines
you can't
consume send to me
i shall help u
and send them back
when u want to
don't tell the doc
they give more than due
knowing Stan the likes of u
any how take ur medicines when due
and who will pay 4 u?

if there r too many medicines
you can't
consume send to me
i shall help u
and send them back
when u want to
don't tell the doc
they give more than due
knowing Stan the likes of u
any how take ur medicines when due
and who will pay 4 u?

Was on morphine one for 4 days while recovering from surgery to repair shattered knee. 4 days.....and I had withdrawal from it when taken off. I'd prefer not going through that again. I'm told that I was short tempered, aggravating and aggravated, and didn't care what I said during the withdrawal................hmmm..............perhaps I'm still suffering withdrawal lol...........stan

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Take best care brave back soon fully fit...

Best wishes for a speedy recovery...

raj (sublime_ocean)

Keep reading my friend, and we'll look forward to hearing from you when you can. Regards Roscoe,...

Roscoe Llane,

Religion will rip your faith off, and return
for the mask of disbelief that's left.

Thank you. I posted this just so people would not think my lack of participation was due to lack of interest......stan

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