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Now picture this... I communed with chaos and conjured up an ancient conquistador by the name of Quetzalcoatl. He called me a chickenshit coward before grabbing me by my cranial consciousness container; and with a chiropractic crack, just like that, my chakras connected and I channeled the grizzled ghost of Ol' Ronnie Reagan. He gurgled a “Hello” and grumbled, “Just Say No” ...

Game Up

You played a game;
You thought me dumb;
You dumped your blame;
You checked my pulse;

I'm knocked down, but not out;
I'm ready, for another round;

You examined, my quieting thoughts,
You looked for signs of life;
In your face, like a rock,
I'm ready to fight, a ball of fire;

Lurking in my soul, there's a beast;
Protecting my heart, healing peace;

Dreaming Of A Beautiful Night

Am dreaming of a beautiful night
A night devoted for just you and me
A night when you will hold me tight and Kiss my lips
Am dreaming of an erotic night, a night you will romance me like crazy
Making me feel like I am created just for you and you for me
Am dreaming of a beautiful evening
When I and you will take a walk on the street of snow
Am dreaming of a beautiful night
When I will find myself fall asleep just to get awakening by a sweet kiss
Only From you

A Chair On The Porch

A chair, on the front porch, I stew;
I sat, absorbed the view;
The universe, I'm drawn into;
It's source, I quietly knew;

Birds sang, in smelting heat;
Babies fed, on mother's beak;

Life's unfairness, deprives;
Inner peace, locked inside;
My wit's end, have arrived;
Another day, another strive;


I do whatever I can to escape them-
I run around the courts chasing a ball
Like a ravaged sweating bull, focused on the point.
Music helps, especially blasting, like Bach
In four voices so there’s no room for another;
Reading the musical notes while playing guitar
Is a good remedy, like a crossword puzzle
Of soft sweet thumps by the plucked notes.
Occasionally I have orgasms which work,
At least for that spectacular 10 seconds,
But then I go back to those damn words,
Making broken sentences in my head

Happiness Begins

Happiness begins with blessings from heavens above,
Happiness begins with all that I prayed for,
Happiness begins with what every man dreams of,
My true happiness only begins with your love...

Happiness begins with sacrificing my whole life,
Happiness begins with bidding loneliness goodbye;
Happiness begins with crying all my tears away,
My true happiness only begins with withthe next day...

The Crow's Gotta Go

Yellow roses
Sometimes turn black
When the person who loves them
Gets thrown off track

How does this happen?
The answer's unknown
One reason might be
The crow hasn't flown

Crows are smart birds
Knowing how to deceive
If they feel at home
They'll choose not to leave

As scavengers
They devour their food
With non-picky taste buds
Their habits are crude

Gardens can't bloom
If crows eat the seeds
They don't give a damn
Just think of their needs

Loosing Someone That's Still Alive

Their are many wonders
Things that keep your thoughts
from going forward.

When you see someone with a gift
that is unknown.
They don't feel that they have
what people want.

What a waist
Everone has a gift
They just need some space.

God, awesome as he is,
will give you what it takes.

Loosing someone that is still alive
They need to know that God
will give you grace

Free To Be Me

I am free to be me cause that's all I can be.
You Live your life each day that goes by.
Never a thought about when you will die.
You think about going to this place and that.
You haven't a clue of whats coming next.

As life goes on and you start to think
where do you go when your life is through.

Tell The World

I am just a spec on society
There is something in me
that no one can see.

We look at are world
many worlds wrapped up in one.
We never see all the worlds,
cause we are second to none.

See, there is the human world
then animals, the bugs.
Little things so hard to see.


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