Join the Neopoet online poetry workshop and community to improve as a writer, meet fellow poets, and showcase your work. Sign up, submit your poetry, and get started.

Election results (January 2015)

We would like to cordially welcome the new members of the Administrative Council:

Paul, Chair

Please join us in congratulating the new AC and wishing them the best for the upcoming term.

1) Neopoet Election
2) Technical Update
3) Triva & "Neo Buzz" by Chrystalie Bruso
Our election opened on Tuesday, December 30th with six candidates running for three positions on our Administrative Council, all for a four month term. The candidates (in alphabetical order) are: 
Barbara Writes
China Blue

AC Election: Announcement

Our election began in the evening on Tuesday, December 30, with (in alphabetical order) the following individuals on the ballot:
Barbara Writes
China Blue
You may view the voting guide (and candidates may update their responses) here:

Open Nomination Period

The open nomination period for the next Administrative Council is underway:

Nominate yourself or any other member for the AC at:

Nominations are accepted until midnight, December 19.

Google Surveys

We are beginning to experiment with a Google program to include surveys on Neopoet -- we welcome your feedback in the forums:

Question for the community

Would it be helpful to have a feature that sends an e-mail notification when one of your poems receives a critique?


I have within the past few days gotten back on line due to a computer crash and find that I need to make a couple of announcements.
1. Due to personal problems beyond his or our control Jess (weirdelf ) has had to step down as director of workshops. His contributions in this capacity will be sorely missed and his past work as such is greatly appreciated.
2. As a result of his resignation the AC had to appoint an interim workshop director. Despite my lack of qualification the other workshop leaders an the AC thrust the job on me. Let me emphasize this is meant to be an interim job only and will only last until we can find a better person to fill the vacancy in an ongoing capacity. (Beware, we might be calling on You! lol)
3. In my capacity as interim director I am requesting suggestions and ideas from all site members about what shops you would like to see run here in the future. This can be either technical in nature or dealing with almost any aspect of writing. This is Your site and it is our goal to serve members as well as we can so just send me any suggestions . You can do this by posting them here on this announcement of by sending me a private message.................stan (scribbler)

OpenSSL / Heartbleed

Many of our members may have heard in the media about a flaw in a widely used piece of software called OpenSSL. We do not use SSL (what you'd see as "https" or the secure padlock sign) on Neopoet for members.

On April 8, shortly after the initial announcement, we examined whether we were affected. Based on this analysis, and from additional information we learned over recent days, we have no reason to believe any member information was compromised.

PayPal. which processes and stores sensitive financial information on our behalf, posted an announcement stating that accounts on PayPal are also secure.

Server status

Update 4/6/14 at 7 pm:
We are happy to report that is now being hosted out of our main server in Brooklyn, NY. The site should be a lot more responsive. If you notice any issues at all, please contact us at
Please note that search functionality is still disabled at the moment - we hope to have this restored next week.
Update 4/2/14 at 10 pm:
We completed some configuration changes and the backup server appears to be much more responsive. Please let us know if that's what you see as well
Update 4/1/14:
The server hard drive (1 of 2) failed around 1 am on Sunday, March 30th.
After trying some initial diagnostics, I went to the data center, confirmed the hard drive was dead and pulled both the defective and non-defective drive.
I were able to extract the database and the base files (the program that runs Neopoet as well as uploaded files, like profile pictures) from the working drive. The drive that had failed contained log files and some backups.
On Monday, I created a "virtual" cloud server as a workspace and as a point to restore the website. We spent a lot of time trying to use the database I had pulled from the working drive, but ultimately realized it had crashed in an unusual way and would require considerable work to restore. A commercial consulting service to help with this kind of operation is is $800+ to start.
At that point, we decided to go with an earlier backup. We run backups between 4-6 am each day so the latest was Saturday at 6 am. That means 19 hours of data would be lost, which is unfortunate, but I think acceptable given the circumstances.
As of Tuesday, we've restored the site to the backup server and resolved all crucial error message. Search functionality temporarily will not work and the site is slower than usual, but the site is live.
We've ordered parts and will work to get the primary server back up and running at the datacenter on Saturday.


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