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Whistle Stop Grove

There's A Shady Grove Where The Morning Sun Gives Birth, 'Neath The Boughs Of A Sycamore Tree Where It Teases Mother Earth,

Where The Dew Drops Glisten On To The Grassy Verge And The Ants In Frantic Cycle,
As To Their Lives Purposeful Worth,

"Old Shep " Walks By As To Survey His Dominion, This Empire Soon To Awaken To His Heirs Timely Arrival,

His Majestic Prescence In This Perfect Morning Glory, Wary Of Unwelcome Foe's And Un witting Rivals,

The Breeze Freshens Presently The Dry Leaves Dance And Dive , Which Only Haltens Momentarily , To Their Decay In Endless Passage,

Steady Old Snail Taking Care As He Ambles , He's Crossed Paths Once Before When Those Ants Have Turned Savage,

The Sun Hides Behind A Pillow Of White , Then Returns To Find The Master, Passing By In His Carriage,

He Whistles "Old Shep" As The Lambs Jump And Frolic, Too Young To Know Danger , Innocent Hearts Filled With Courage,

Wiley Brown Fox Couches Down High Up On The Ridge , His Day Full Of Promise , To His Quarry's Last Regret,

There's A Secret Shady Grove Hidden Out Here Amongst The Bramble, Coverts The Sunrays And The Shadows Against All New Comers Debt...

Review Request (Intensity): 
I want the raw truth, feel free to knock me on my back
Last few words: 
Thank You All For This Wonderful Site.
Editing stage: 
Content level: 
Not Explicit Content
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The below is a computer-generated response from Neo, Neopoet's computer artificial intelligence:

The poem "Whistle Stop Grove" exhibits a strong sense of place and a keen eye for detail, which is commendable. However, there are areas that could be improved to enhance the overall quality and readability of the poem.

1. Punctuation and Capitalization: The poem seems to use capitalization and punctuation inconsistently. For instance, every word is capitalized, which is not standard in English poetry. This could be a stylistic choice, but it might distract some readers. In addition, some lines lack punctuation at the end, making it hard to discern where a thought ends and a new one begins.

2. Rhythm and Meter: The rhythm of the poem is somewhat irregular. Some lines are significantly longer than others, which can disrupt the flow of the poem. Experimenting with syllable count and stress patterns could help to create a more consistent rhythm.

3. Clarity: Some lines of the poem are somewhat opaque, making it difficult for the reader to understand their meaning. For example, "Coverts The Sunrays And The Shadows Against All New Comers Debt..." could benefit from rephrasing for clarity.

4. Imagery: The poem contains vivid imagery, such as "The Dew Drops Glisten On To The Grassy Verge" and "The Breeze Freshens Presently The Dry Leaves Dance And Dive". However, there is room to further develop and deepen this imagery to create a more immersive experience for the reader.

5. Theme: The poem seems to revolve around the theme of nature and its inhabitants. However, the theme could be made more explicit and explored in greater depth.

6. Word Choice: The poem uses a rich vocabulary, but some words may not be the best fit for their context. For instance, "haltens" is not a standard English word, and its intended meaning is unclear.

In conclusion, while the poem demonstrates potential, it could benefit from revisions focused on improving clarity, rhythm, and thematic development.

Please send feedback about Neo (our computer generated critique system) to

Hello, Izzi,
This whimsical and engaging poem was fun to read. I do wonder about using all the caps. For me, they made the poem a bit heavier in appearance. A captivating poem!
Thank you!

Thankyou once again Lavender for taking the time to read and Critique.
A very bad habit with Capitals , am learning Boundaries and the discipline to engage more accurately , in particlar with Grammer.
Am enjoying this site immensely
Kindest Regards

author comment

with the A.I. this could be better thought out. I can appreciate the idea, but it needs to be clearly articulated. Look at the format that most everyone else is using. It would be more easily read and understood if you were to use quatrains instead of commas, to separate the lines. ~ Gezer.

There is value to commenting and critique, tell us how you feel about our work.
This must be the place, 'cause there ain't no place like this place anywhere near this place.

Thankyou very much also for reading and fowarding such positive "tips" .
Am learning so much through this site and hopefully can apply a higher of degree technical awareness to the creativity of mind and heart .
Kindest regards

author comment

I suggest that you read as much as you have time for. I like how you take the criticism and comments. I think that if you apply what you learn that you will become a very good poet. Remember, that here, you are really the owner of your work. You are free to edit and change it at almost any time, whenever you wish. You do not have to change anything you do not wish to.
If I offer advice, it is yours to do with as you will, use it or no, I am not offended. ~ Geezer.

There is value to commenting and critique, tell us how you feel about our work.
This must be the place, 'cause there ain't no place like this place anywhere near this place.

Thankyou again for the positive affirmations Geezer .
This wonderous life that finds us continually learning ,
am so glad that l was fortunate enough to "stumble"
across this site.
Kindest Regards

author comment

Just a short note as to your interest in Australia . Although I've got a" few miles under the belt"...I remain very fit and active . Today I was helping a friend "Marking and Mulesing " Sheep [ you may find a reference on a search engine,,]
Am often out there "working up ground and cropping on a huge 4 wheel drive tractor .You would love this part of the country , south west New South Wales , a little district called Mellool, very inspirational , particularly toward for nature focused pieces.
Kind Regards Geezer

author comment

that I would find your part of the country most interesting. I am not fit and active, as I have C.O.P.D. and am on oxygen supplement. I still manage to get outside in my backyard, and out to my sisters' house in the country now and then. I am limited to a few hours, but thoroughly enjoy being outdoors yet. ~ Geezer.

There is value to commenting and critique, tell us how you feel about our work.
This must be the place, 'cause there ain't no place like this place anywhere near this place.

Being new to this site, have no idea of the protocols.....So Again, Thank you for the prompt.
" Fooled Again " absolute stand out piece Geezer , So enjoyed reading it.
KInd Regards

author comment
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