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Wish Upon a Star

If I could wish upon a star
I wouldn't use that wish for me
though I'm hurting and in need
I wouldn't use that wish to flee

I would fly up to that bright north star
and sit upon its great big lap
I would tell it that I came afar
with one wish upon my lips

My wish isn't little and won't be easy
it will be hard to grant and might not come true
this wish I have kept in the pocket of my heart
for years and now I'll tell it to you

I wish that this world could look in the mirror
that it would see the hurt that its caused
I wish that this world could see clearer
and clean up the mess it made

I wish that the people wouldn't have shame
that we could all live in harmony
I wish that parents loved their children
and wish the rich will share their money
I wish that drugs and alcohol didn't make you sick
I wish no mother, father, or child will sleep out on the street
I wish that boys would grow up soon and never be a dick
and that everyone would always have food in sight

I wish that no one knew what heart ache was
and that all people know of love
I wish that we all had the strongest faith
and had souls like a bright white dove

So please north star, grant my wish
though it may be from a child
I really want to help this world
so God might finally smile

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Well done! The careful thought put into your poem and 'wish' was well developed. I love how you used the North Star as a point of contact and addressed so many things going on in the world that need fixing. You were right about it not being an easy wish but it is a good one. Great job!


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