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the third sex

you define love so beautifully…only with a subtle difference …you are an idealist
today’s world is sexiest…they still feel
‘’’love lies between the thighs’’
that's what makes the world come out
from closets
as gays
and lesbians
the third sex LGBT
ought to also be recognized
as the channels of sex
as human minds are as different
as the urinary tract and hearing system

They are also as human..
only society so condemns them
what if any one of us was like them?
then what would you say
about them?
love is in the air
how I wish this wild humanity
would one day with all sexes
irrespective of sexism
sexual preference
will equally share
hope someday twill...
come by....

Style / type: 
Free verse
Review Request (Intensity): 
I want the raw truth, feel free to knock me on my back
Editing stage: 


Although I am a Christian, I too agree with you that LGBT people are also human beings and that they should never be discriminated due to their sexual orientation. So here I am, agreeing with the contents of your poem, while thanking you for writing on a topic that's not discussed in open.
However, I don't understand the connection between the 1st line (' define love so beautifully…only with a subtle difference …you are an idealist..') and the rest of the poem. I would appreciate it if you could explain me.

on another site a lady ,ung like you
composed an article all about
I begged to differ with her then composed the link
as it is ....I shall modify it here.. as many would wonder likewise.
Did you read the one i composed after ur one.....Intimacy
and also do read a PM I am now sending to you
as you are a late addd on


author comment

shall try if i can reword the poem
and remove the ..''they and us difference ...

which does exist as of now
hence...'' they


author comment

tamed and sated not by the role gender persuasion
of Wife..Husband..servant..slave..sub..dom..
a power in words
a brush of knuckles against the skin

A talc moon climbs in the frigid icy air

what hunger gnaws deep within
clawing for a chain
a rope of hemp to clmb free
wild and happy
released and roaming
choosing dressage
from the pit society

Now among them
to sniff
taste their airs
see the snarls
up close
the decay in the
perfection they
wont to own

the glint of mischief

pity envy

draw down the daily
mask and mount the
war horse

presenting as a Norm
but at night
in private
or the relish of freedom
wander feeling
the form

What a reply,

"A talc moon climbs in the frigid icy air"

How descriptive is that!

Beauty in each and every,
Some blatant and lauded,
others hidden, unknown,
without free communication,
we cannot feel at ease with
Less needs to be taboo,
more understood,
and yet one senses
a joy in being misunderstood,
I don't know.

I know a few people that differ;
it seems from myself,
in fact many;
be it physically or mentally,
all people are interesting,
none of us are the same,
all of us are from the
same family

originally, so why do
we discriminate,
we have the same genes.

Like works of art, debatable,
different, some appealing to some,
some appealing to many,
some appealing to no one.

Humans are adept at choosing
something that's different
and blowing its difference
up into a grand rhetorical
"work of art"
when it signifies nothing.

But then, i even feel of the
same family as the trees.


"The image of yourself which you see in a mirror Is dead,
but the reflection of the moon on water, lives." Kenzan.

you must post this in the stream....
so that those who only scream
will now have another dream
what if !
they were


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