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scribbler in the dirt

slim is the gesture of the night
certain atoms are always calling
scarce in their twinkle of time
I am caught in the distance between them
looking up, my feet are not bare enough
to hold me to the sky
so narrow are the walled alleyways between sight
and soul, the drift of the lights windows
against the shutters of the heart
leaving my love to scribble in the dirt
looking up... as always ...too far away

Editing stage: 


addressing poet STAN??? Hopefully not


I suppose every time one of us on Neopoet (or your other poetry sites) writes the word *loved*, you might think it's about you?

Good lord, I knew when he read it to me this morning someone would go off the deep end, looking for some dirt.

BTW, did you even read the poem?


no more now
Loved is the word
we all hanker for
don't you?
At least some do


Up, down, in the galaxies of the night sky,
in the constellations of life's dreams
pointing in all directions
like the pin of the sundial
ever turning in motion,
I was taken on a journey
through your thought.


"The image of yourself which you see in a mirror Is dead,
but the reflection of the moon on water, lives." Kenzan.

I like the hazy feel of this poem
and although I dont understand its
depth or meaning fully
I like the loftiness of its wording

that yearning of the middle distance
like fathoming the mirage thats always

Thank You!

Well, it was worth the wait, a delicate poem that is also beautifully articulate (I mean that in the sense of flexability & agility, but also in a language sense) & a joy to read, I would not want to see a thing changed for my part... Beautifully balanced, beautifully placed & painted in imagery.

Hope my breath is sweet!



My dear friend always told me "Water the seeds of joy first"

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