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Namorados amam

até não amam mais

nada que esiste

esiste para sempre

e o presente pôe-se passado

E os que dizem “eternidade”

Falam só “saudade”


nahmoor-AD-oosh uh-mã [squeeze nostrils when you see this sign ~] auh AS IN “UH, I SEE]

Ah-tey nõw uh-mã m-eye-sh

Nuhduh ezeesh-tchee p-uh-ruh s~empree

Oo pray-z~ntchee p~oy-see puh-sah-doo

ee uzh kee dzeez~e ey-ternee-dad -gee

Fal~a soh sa-oo-dad-gee



Lovers love

Until they love no more.

Nothing exists to last

soon present is past

and those who speak “eternity”

long a forever

Editing stage: 


truly beautiful. wise words. i get a consoling vibe from it. i'm a little confused about the last line though. (and those who speak "eternity"/long a forever)

Thanks for including the English translation! Deep and beautiful.

always, Cat

When someone reads your work
And responds, please be courteous
And reply in kind, thanks.

i speak of eternity
you object
well its your own perception
i guess


Thanks,all of u. can't type much Last ine meas that eterna love ssmply a longig for sothing that des not exist.

author comment

Before I say anything about the poem(s)
The phonetic one is 'musique concrête' for us
and is a legitimate kind of poetry to my mind
like Lewis Carroll in 'Alice Through the Looking Glass.'
I know this is un-called for just here as I see from a comment
that it is sensitive and philosophical, but I had to burst out with this little remark.

"Lovers may love until they love no more" Not sure I feel everyone agrees with this:-

If you love somebody let them go.
If they return they were always yours.
If they don't they never were. Anon.

"The minute I heard my first love story,
I started looking for you, not knowing how blind that was.
Lovers don't finally meet somewhere.
They're in each other all along." - Maulana Jalalu'ddin Rumi

Once truly loved that is unchangeable to my mind.
Only those who do not love enough to let their love go,
choose to suffer the romantic idea of loosing their love.

But that s still not about the poem is it?
And yet that's what the poem says, so I can add no more.
Eternity is an human idea just as time is.
What point is there in longing for it?


"The image of yourself which you see in a mirror Is dead,
but the reflection of the moon on water, lives." Kenzan.

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