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A sudden strike of lightening
out of a calm, clear sky
fire blue electric from way on high,
violent acts of Nature’s Fury inflicted
on Mankind : the unforeseen surprise,

Fate’s wanton choices : nowhere to hide;
slumbering daemons dark and murderous
lurking deep inside waiting to ravish
Flesh and Mind : random cruelty and
death by design.

Editing stage: 


So fatalistic and true this poem, so sad the way we are picked at random for a certain life. No critique, i think you have conveyed brilliantly what you wanted this poem to say. Regards Roscoe....

Roscoe Llane,

Religion will rip your faith off, and return
for the mask of disbelief that's left.

Thank you, Roscoe. I've lived it.

author comment

They are the ones that gambled.

There is value to commenting and critique, tell us how you feel about our work.
This must be the place, 'cause there ain't no place like this place anywhere near this place.

true; but what did they know. My disease is genetic on my mother's side. No one knew then. Yet had they known, they would have done it anyway.

[Richard for Joe]

author comment

all named george...his fathers name
upon naming the sixth wallace..
their first living child of their union survived!
strange but true!
I was cursed and still am
but even a cursed life is
and when I am gone
thats it thats all

some writing
a child
few people met
thanks folks
my kid can carry it on
i remember donating
money to charity
helping along with the
saw one hocky game my brother
was in and one figure skating
show my sister was in

thank Joe! and Richard!

I replaced an infant child who died at birth in 1941

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