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Political Pygmies:

Repeat aphorisms
Manipulate all the schisms
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Political pygmies with puffed out chests (concealing condensed hearts) and bloated heads (covering minute brains) strutting about the world stage whereas decades earlier a true world statesman, who was a moral giant, quietly meditated and mediated from his humble dwelling. The manipulative morons with offshore bank accounts selling the nation to the highest bidder and making alliances with rogue states to obtain billions upon billions of dollars worth of WMD while a sizable portion of the electorate live lives of utter desperation eking out a hand to mouth existence. These scoundrels need to be, and will be, thrown out of office by the despairing public at the next election.
Editing stage: 


it seems merely a political statement.
Correct me if I'm wrong.

A new workshop on the most important element of poetry-
'Rhythm and Meter in Poetry'

and yes

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