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On a night
That lingering silence
Imprisons me

The only hope I know
Can be found in a pen
That soothes my
Weary mind

Angels walking alongside me
Trying to savor an ounce of euphoria
Before I face the devil himself

No cars or pedestrians
Only a whispering wind
Telling me to reconsider
But this war must be waged

The city lights turned off
As the moon offers light
To my aching soul

I scream to the beast
No more shall
I be infected
By your plague

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Free verse


Hey Paul missed you so much in chat and this poem just went right through me and over the moon. I love the vision you gave here to this write and look forward to chatting with you soon.

Missed you guy
Love Mona

thank you and I promise to bring chat back

author comment

Paul, hello, i have not had the opportunity read much of your work but i must say that i enjoyed this one very much, and i look forward to reading more of yours. This reminded me of a lonely walk with an emotion streaming words through my mind at night.
thank you for sharing

Washing Tears

-with what love could be...

Washing Tears

thx for your words

author comment

Chrys fir the fine words

author comment

If I read this correctly this is a man fighting his own demons. If so the title fits well as a fight against the plague of evil. The longer I'm on site the better I an able to appreciate well written free verse like this.........scribbler

thank you fro your words

author comment
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