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Me And The Guys

my friends and me are kind'a dopey
not all that pretty neither.
we don't notice much around us
'cept when someone gets a brand new car
or stupid hat
stuff like that

we do the same sort 'a things
decade to decade
ball games, barbies, cards
shootin' the breeze
raggin' on each other
sometimes a little rough
but always friendly intended

we cuss and swear
tell dirty jokes
no one seems to mind,
it's funny when our ol' ladies
try outdoin' us,
and they do half the time

we call ourselves by regular names.
Pete, Joe,
a couple 'a Jacks,
Juan, and Lamont are some.
street bangin' names don't fly 'round here,
'cept for Barney, "the fifer man"
he don't mind
him being from Mount Airy and all

I could talk 'bout kids and grandbabies,
moms and pops and all our good 'ol dogs,
but this here write is just about the guys
my home boys
my buddies
my friends

so, there you have it
a glimpse inside my world
ain't nothin fancy 'bout it, but hey,
over the years
me and the guys
have cooked us up some
mighty good times

can you say the same

Last few words: 
any of you punctuation geeks out there...have a go at it
Editing stage: 


I haven't.
I always was a white crow.
I wish I could rap like that.
I dance alone.
I read books.
I tend to over think and overcook.
You are a lucky guy. Stay that way.
Peace, your


this here stuff is a blend of guys ( aquaintainces) from my present neck of the woods
and musicians I played with in some long ago bands.

In reality,
I now dance alone,
while over thinking why
I write undercooked poems

Yes, it is true
I'm a very lucky guy,
whether with others,
or completely alone

and you stay you


author comment

you rapped up this bloody buddy song pretty well wrapping them in appealing verses...say Hi to your buddies when you next hang out...

a pleasure read with images sounds and smells emanating!

raj (sublime_ocean)


glad you enjoyed some of these hometown flavors.
thank you Raj


author comment

check out Al's latest two poems "How To Peddle What You Think You Know" and "Sillys" for exactly what we were talking about for the 'Sleight of Word' Workshop.

A new workshop on the most important element of poetry-
'Rhythm and Meter in Poetry'

Thanks Jess...I surely will do that...if not done already..reading them again will help to understand where we are heading with s you call it "sleight of word workshop"..

raj (sublime_ocean)

I can never take on lingo like this. Although strangely after three months in Ireland I could write it more Oirish than the Oirish, sure and I could.

A new workshop on the most important element of poetry-
'Rhythm and Meter in Poetry'

For a guy from Yankee land you sound almost like this old southerner lol. Guess we'd both be jailed if PC folks had their way.......stan

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