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IMPRINTS OF SPRING, 1971 (for Contest)

The car windows wiggle down
And tattooed arms bloom in traffic;
Spring, a charcoal nude among iron,
A syllable in the crowd.

With breasts of a Ruben’s Venus
The clouds of spring hoist
Their changing continents, a
Tongue of perfume in their hearts.


Gypsy cherubim, swingled
In your trumpet’s muscle;
This judgement of rhythm
Intertwined with honey:
Spring, you jazz bee hive.

Last few words: 
Yes, this poem was written 46 years ago. Whereas I have many poems about fall, I seem to have not ever written another about spring. I use spring imagery in a lot of poems, but they are not directly about spring. This poem is an old photograph, and reminds me this was once me.
Editing stage: 



I'd rather learn from one bird how to sing
than teach ten thousand stars how not to dance
ee cummings

author comment

The person that wrote that poem, and the present person, thank you from the heart!

I'd rather learn from one bird how to sing
than teach ten thousand stars how not to dance
ee cummings

author comment

your title will win the Prize
If I know stan

is the first. It sets the tone and makes the work. ~ Gee.

There is value to commenting and critique, tell us how you feel about our work.
This must be the place, 'cause there ain't no place like this place anywhere near this place.

So here's a poem I wrote in my 20's., i was living in Paris, very involved with the idea of poetry a la Malarme and Valery, as well the Surrealists. When I saw this contest for poems about spring, somehow I remembered it , and posted it. Looking at the thread of comments

At the time I was an art student as well, and loved the Rubens rooms, gymnasiums really, at the Louvre. I think the idea was to use the particular image of the way Rubens paints flesh, and after all I was in my 20's, so used the breast to connect with the clouds. I suppose I needed a subject for Ruben's breasts and attached the image to Venus, so commonly painted by that big factory of artists who worked under him.
I remmeber it was the Swingle Singers, popular in those years, which had me enjoy that word and just use it out of context...indeed the whole stanza seems now very influenced by the French imagists and surrealists, as a pure act of music. I think it was more the beauty of the word cheribum
and the image of them in the "angeldoms". I suppose there might be flaws with the internal logic...
O but that was then, and now is now (love that song!). I have so enjoyed the comments on this poem and the generally positive reaction. Thanks for the time and thought. It makes me feel almost young again!

I'd rather learn from one bird how to sing
than teach ten thousand stars how not to dance
ee cummings

author comment

like the weather in north america
and other non temporal climes
the weather comes on
motor bikes and scooters
skaters and boards
tuned exhausts and cheap
the return of the season of break ups
and hook ups
like today...Flower girls for mothers day
Vespertine colors in the splash dash
and the sun ignites excitement
stirring souls alive....
walks....gardening...return of the sports
on the fields dried from the rains
of early May...

thank U!

Thanks for the laughs!

I'd rather learn from one bird how to sing
than teach ten thousand stars how not to dance
ee cummings

author comment

I'm pleased the contest lead you to dig up an oldie of yours. It's often good to see where one began and compare it with where one is now. Thanks for entering contest.......stan

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