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Ilusiones [Spanish-English]


No tengo más ilusiones
de grandes amores
ni golpear siquiera
otros corazones.
Soy hombre raro
apasionado y vulnerable.
mas son lobos y chacales
los que huelen
mi sangre
y en sus dientes tener
en esperanza de comer


I have no illusions
of a great love
no delusions of striking
other hearts.
I am a man of rare quality
of passion and vulnerability.
I’m easy to find
by wolves and jackals
and others of the kind.
They smell me bleed
and follow
waiting to feed.

Editing stage: 


thank you so much for posting this in the original. I, with my faltering Spanish, was able to read and understand it - as if by osmosis!
Muy bien!


I thank you. I was not sure posting bi-lingual.

Te agradezco mucho por tu comentario,


author comment

Me gusta este poema. tiene ese sentimiento oscuro, pero suave al mismo. tiene un enfoque muy limpio y atractivo. Y contiene misterio, pero no lo suficiente para asustar al lector. gran trabajo. Me encanta su poesía y le gustaría conocer más de usted.

Que placer conocer a nuevos amigos en castellano/ Gracias por su comentario.

author comment

I originally speak English. i just wanted to test my Spanish, a little . I seem to have gotten a tad rusty at it lately. But i truly do like your poetry. Its different from most i have read and i like that you had some consideration to translate it to Spanish for those who don't fluently speak English. BTW you can feel free to call me by my name, its Brooke.

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