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I lost the instructions

In life’s crises defeat
I walk alone in the dark
my heart is filled with emptiness
I am lost without the instructions
feeling like drowning in the ocean

Without a rescue of a given direction
come to a destination that left behind
with much confusion and worrisome
In times of doubt with many questions

I pray for an answer to lead
with a self-discovery
through a life of transformation
to grant wisdom and guidance

Shattered pieces come to heal
with a stronger mind and heart
from God’s grace bring to comfort
with hope and strength under his
shining light

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The below is a computer-generated response from Neo, Neopoet's computer artificial intelligence:

This poem effectively uses metaphoric language to convey a sense of despair and longing for guidance. The theme of seeking divine intervention in times of crisis is well established and maintained throughout the poem. However, there are a few areas that could be improved for clarity and impact.

1. Consistency in Metaphors: The poem uses several metaphors such as "walk alone in the dark", "drowning in the ocean", and "shattered pieces come to heal". While these are powerful images, they could be more effectively used if they were tied together in a more cohesive manner. For example, if the metaphor of "drowning in the ocean" was extended and revisited throughout the poem, it could provide a stronger narrative thread.

2. Grammar and Syntax: There are a few instances where the grammar and syntax could be improved for clarity. For instance, "come to a destination that left behind" could be rephrased for better understanding. Similarly, "I asked for god’s prayer" might be better expressed as "I asked for God's guidance" or "I offered a prayer to God".

3. Rhythm and Flow: The rhythm of the poem varies, which can disrupt the flow for the reader. Consider revising the poem to have a more consistent rhythm, which could enhance the overall reading experience.

4. Use of Capitalization: The poem inconsistently capitalizes "God". As a rule, when referring to the deity of monotheistic religions, "God" is capitalized. Consistent use of capitalization can improve the professionalism and seriousness of the poem.

5. Show, Don't Tell: The poem could benefit from showing more and telling less. For example, instead of stating "my heart is filled with emptiness", the poem could show this through imagery or metaphor. This can make the emotional content of the poem more engaging and impactful for the reader.

Please send feedback about Neo (our computer generated critique system) to

Ok, Al I have made changes from your feedback. Thank you

author comment

Ok, Al I have made changes from your feedback. Thank you

author comment

my favorite lines of this poem are:

Without a rescue of a given direction
come to a destination that left behind
with much confusion and worrisome
In times of doubt with many questions

because these lines are very easy to relate to.

*hugs, Cat

When someone reads your work
And responds, please be courteous
And reply in kind, thanks.

Thank you, Candle witch for the constructive feedback.


author comment

Hello, Hon,
A sense of detachment and feeling adrift, without instruction until receiving a divine transformation. Very nice.
Thank you!

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