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A Green Door

Somewhere in the depth of time
in the mix of past and present,
there is a green door.

For some
it stays ajar.
Enticing light is effervescent.

For others
it is shut and gone.

Because it was ignored once,
it is not there anymore
and tantalizing chase to find
another chance
takes over all the hopes.

Oh, how I would want

to talk to that guy again,
to help that lost dog,
to take that spare bus ticket
and travel across the plain
and over the blue hills
to a different world
where people say yes to every
irresponsible dream I carry.

I lost the mysterious lights
I saw once through the dense thicket,
and a deserted village I passed
on a motorcycle ride,
and a poem I wanted to reread
and forgot what page it was on.

But maybe I am where I am only
because I did not walk through random doors
gleaming misleading promises,
offering nothing. Who knows.

And yet it is a sad feeling
that I can walk only once
into the same river.

Review Request (Intensity): 
I want the raw truth, feel free to knock me on my back
Review Request (Direction): 
How was my language use?
Last few words: 
My poem is inspired by The Green Door, a short story by O'Henry, and by Searching For A Conspiracy, a poem by Albert Friedman.
Editing stage: 


This piece is exquisite very heart felt attributions in its timeless classic.
You know, it really makes you think in simplistic terms of nature's beckoning call asunder
keep the ink coming you have great talent in poetry just a heart felt message to you.
Thank you for your cooperation

Mario Vitale

Thank you, Mario.
It is always a pleasure to read your encouraging comments.


author comment

the first three stanzas of your poem in themselves are a poem about "opportunity" the subsequent five are about "heartbreak for missing the opportunities" and the concluding stanza is of bewilderment "why only once?" I think all of them put together holds the secret of life..."only once"...

raj (sublime_ocean)

Hi Raj,
Thank you for reading.
You got it.
The last stanzas accept the law, we often have to be selective if we want to reach our goals and willingly admit that the opportunities never return.


author comment

.....And yet it is a sad feeling
that I can walk only once
into the same river.......

why sad
it's inevitable
the obverse of the same coin
a ticket
birth and death

I agree, why sad? I don't know.


author comment

u need to rethink
coincidentally I had also composed a similar one
did u scan it
Messageariel etc

You asked me to continue composing
so i did

I took a day off trying to slow down my burnout rate!

I've noticed that women (not all) tend to write such smooth grooves
while men (not all) tend to write in a clunkier manner

you are super smooth here and elsewhere, and that, I think, is an attractive quality to all readers. It certainly is to me

just being known as a catalyst in the creation of a new and aromatic ester is in itself inspiring ( did I get this chemistry metaphor right?)

you have done it good again, girl

Note: don't walk "into" any doors, walk "through" them

a devoted fan,


Hello Al!
Thank you for reading, commenting, correcting.
The metaphor is cool.
The thought about smothness is not clear, do you mean regular in writing habbits or smooth in the flow of the writing?
In case of the first, I am not sure if there is a trend like that. It is hard to formalize the writing process, there is no objective measure of quality and even quantity of the poetic work. Also there are very different standards of self-control. However, I think I know at least one factor that contributes to more regular writing habbits in women, we have lower threshold for emotional storms. It helps to write with the blood. Although most of the time I write way after the experience that triggers the vibe.


author comment

smooth, as in the flow
I've never really thought about other's writing habits,
but am glad you took it that way, and gave me a paragraph of your thoughts on the matter.

...and now I know!

writing with clarity is always a challange...impromptu comments sometimes miss the mark


I think your poetry has a natural flow.
I was raised on Russian poetry, it is structured.
It is built in Russian language.
I spent two month translating a poem by Boris Pasternak. I nearly succeeded. But now three months later I am afraid to read my translation, it might suck me in again to another fit of attempts.
His poem, February, sounds like a mantra in Russian, with a flow like that any word worth a million. Oh, how I wish I could write such a powerful text. It was translated by many but not good enough yet.
Have a nice evening.
Sincerely yours, Irene.


author comment

Your poem resonates, opening
doors to other possibilities is a
great subject, and yours is smooth
and inviting.

I love the title. In your first stanza,
you color the door, there was no
need to, the title covers it quite nicely.

But maybe I am where I am only
because I did not walk through random doors
gleaming misleading promises,
offering nothing. Who knows.

If I might offer a sort of realignment
and an option or way to help with
natural flow;

But maybe I am where I am
only because of not turning handles
to gleaming, misleading promises
offering nothing, Who knows.

Hello Themoonman,
Thank you for readinng my poem and for your suggestion.
I will sleep on it.


author comment

the last stanzas, the ending. It has a true poetic feel about it, how the river is always moving, always changing, like time. It by itself is a very powerful poem

Maybe I am where I am only
because I did not walk through random doors
gleaming misleading promises,
offering nothing. Who knows.

And yet it is a sad feeling
that I can walk only once
into the same river.

The rest of the poem for me is a nice read, a different variation to the Road Not Taken, with nice detail. But I don't know the references, so I don't know why the door is "green", which seems important as there is little other description of the door, other than perhaps one among the "random" doors of possibilities. It seems you are happy with your choices, where you are, as those doors were "gleaming misleading promises,/offering nothing". A little like The Journey, (Oliver) with the "voices shouting their bad advice.."
For me the finale of the poem is really powerful and universal. The body of the poem does not lead me there, but rather into a nostalgia of moments lost, which we all face almost daily, the lost dog, the face in the crowd you should have talked to more, a poem you meant to re- read.. yes, once the moment is gone, we miss our chance to fulfill it. But here I feel you are saying two things in a sort of contradiction- The green door which offers the possibility of change and nostalgia of lost possibilities, and the fact that you wisely reject walking into such doors with false promises..
But the finale deals with that in just the right way, introducing the river.
My take. This took me a long time to write and consider...

I'd rather learn from one bird how to sing
than teach ten thousand stars how not to dance
ee cummings

Dear Mark,
Thank you for reading my poem.
I appreciate your time and efforts writing such a deeply thought comment.
The reference is a short story by O'Henry called Green Door.
It became a symbol of coming and going opportunities. You understood it perfectly.
One of the everpresent dichotomy of choices.
I introduce it in the beginning, develop in the middle and give my take at the end.
Yes maybe it is not so clearly connected.
Maybe later if I grow to be better poet I will return to the theme again. Actually this one is the second poem with this name I wrote. I have to find the first one and see if I am getting any better.


author comment

like all the other artists our work changes and matures, and we have failures and successes in each of the phases of our creative outputs. You are a good poet now, you will be a good poet later.
The only thing I am learning a little of as I mature is a little more patience with each new poem. I try to let it breath a while, as I come back to it with fresh blood and am willing to cut out and add things, and really try to go over every nuance before it feels cooked enough to serve. And even then, the comments you may get, or just your own intuition will have you revise.
I suggest join the American Association of Poets ($35) and get their magazines. The last issue one had a long and interesting article about Marianne Moore and her revisions. Her famous poem
"Poetry" which starts "I, too, dislike it.." went from original publication of 50 lines to the final version we see today, 3 lines. Now that is the extreme, but you get the point.
You will also find many interesting poems there by poets writing on the same level as you, Be happy with your best work! Try not to be too hard on yourself, you won't necessarily be a "better poet" as time goes on, just a different one.

I'd rather learn from one bird how to sing
than teach ten thousand stars how not to dance
ee cummings

I am honored to be included.
I relate to what you said about writing and revisions. The knowledge of what to cut and add comes with experience, practice and patience. On top of it it requires to be brave.
Thank you for sharing your perspective and for the advice to join the AAP. I will do that now.


author comment

Are Americans of Russian Origin allowed? :) [in a lighter vein only]

raj (sublime_ocean)

i will let you know :)


author comment

I missed the open door but took to caring for others instead.
Damn morals, though they are respected throughout the world, it would have been wonderful to have gone through that Green door.

Loved your write and its journey, Probability tracts are all very well and they cross sometimes or brush alongside others travelling the same way, but for all that the journey is ones own.

A free mind now wanders across others tracts and watches as they grow, Take care and its great to walk with you, Yours Ian..x

Give critique to help keep Neopoet great.
Unconditional love to you all.
"Learn to love yourself first"
Yours as always, Ian.T, Sparrow, and Yenti

Thanks for a pleasant walk


author comment

This is beautiful, deep poetry, offering your unique personal attachment.

As usual I come too late to offer any critique not already offered and as usual Eumolpus is superb.

So just one point of 'English as second language' and my reading.

takes over all the hopes.
takes over all hope.
takes over all there is of hope.
takes over all hopes.

A new workshop on the most important element of poetry-
'Rhythm and Meter in Poetry'

Hi Jess,
Thank you for reading.
You sounded a bit winded today, take it easy pal.
If you want to read a fresh poem of mine and be the first to comment, let me know.


author comment

finding it more exhausting than writing, which is probably as it should be [grins].
I get to it when I can.

A new workshop on the most important element of poetry-
'Rhythm and Meter in Poetry'

A nice journey of the mind/heart. One of the things I love about writing/literature is that you can dip into it time and again. Though we have probably changed some between our reads, which makes it a bit of a different read. This is great. Thx.

Thanks for reading. Have you seen my last poem I submitted today? Recently I started to collect poems for publication and can't post them on line, but this is an exeption because I miss posting here.


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