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Gentlemen Mrs President's (shhhhhhhhhhh)

Rise here she comes

O foolish men ye
you could elect him
not me

He can hardly butter
his toast
asks me

which side darling

a kiss

I mean today is a Tuesday
you like the kiss
on the left cheek
so told me the Priest
he enjoys it

Glad you have started
consulting him
Now sweety let's go to the Ganges
It's cold here in MISSISSIPPI

we can have a swim in the

They assure you a second term
God willing

Now Gentlemen
he is listening to me
The Prez silly

He will also during his next term
just pray
while we both are away

In our absence
in the country do stay
We will bring Holy water for all
who vote for my President
Okay yours.

So you may then have
my permission to say


Style / type: 
Free verse
Review Request (Intensity): 
I want the raw truth, feel free to knock me on my back
Editing stage: 


The poem exists in its own landscape and connections, (Mississippi and the Ganges) and within the abstract is a political cartoon. It's entertaining.

Wish you would use total punctuation, or don't use "!!!" Just capping THE PREZ does the trick.

I'd rather learn from one bird how to sing
than teach ten thousand stars how not to dance
ee cummings

removed it
Thanked Lady Macbeth
as Shakes smiled

author comment
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