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Fresh Shadow Moments

Wee hour, fresh, shadow moments
and the hour finds me, wide awake,
I'm exploring this personal, quiet-time;
for tomorrow, I've nothing at stake!

Following what fancies my moodset,
relaxing, and calming it would seem;
but, magic abounds in frsh shadows,
where children spread giggles, in each dream.

I've got candles to light the the room's aura;
as silences musicscore plays, tracks...
..with the notes of a theme song so deafening,
I can hear both my ears, making wax.

Sometimes, these fresh shadow moments;
happen so fast,my ears have to "Pop"!
The next moments, may last a few moments
or they may feel like they'll never stop.

The thing is, they;re uninterupted,
these moments, so wee in the day;
take advantage of them, to complete tasks;
or feel free to find magic, in play.

the candle-light, shadow-dance shows, how;
other-worldly-like creatures dance, through...
..some beasts have a tenure so very wicked,
they plan a menu with a maincourse, that's you!

But, don't let that end you're exploring
the dimensional time-shifts of, wee;
the fresh shadow moments have set the day's tone,
grab a moon-beam.....and, admission is free!

Style / type: 
Structured: Western
Review Request (Intensity): 
I want the raw truth, feel free to knock me on my back
Last few words: 
Originally, I had the last line as, "hear otherwise.....and someone's pulling your leg!" I actually liked it, not rhyming.....but, I eventually got fed up with myself, and relented. doc.
Editing stage: 


Very fanciful. Had a hard time getting past all the unneeded commas. Really like the word "moodset" even if spell check says it's wrong lol. I have a few ideas that might help if you rewrite this poem :
l-9 change light to set
L-15 omit 1st moments
l-24 change that's to of
I think you have the heart of a very fun poem here but it could use a good going over to really make it shine............stan

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