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Freedom, freedom, O freedom,
How many years now have you gone away,
How many decades ago did you cut the ties
With the people to whom you once were a friend?

How long ago, again, I ask,
You last peaked through the windows of Nigeria?
For this long you've been away,
The nation has strayed away in the shadows of death,

The people enslaved,
Chained down to the stones of sufferings.
Hope is lost in the gloom of the clear,
Peace the spirit of the nation long since departed.

Soldiers in boots and guns roam the streets,
Bullets flying, in all directions they go;.
The streets are lit up with strange burning fires,
Like the dividend of a militarized democracy.

The oppressed people run hither and yon,
Like flies they fall and die,
Cut down in cold blood,
From their graves they weep for justice.

Theaters of bloodshed, churches and schools,
Drowning away daily in the rising flood of red.
Children starving on the streets,
While politicians go on vacations yet again.

The nation more and more sinks,
Bled dry through legislative mandates,
And the kleptocrats build safe havens
Upon the cracking backs of the oppressed.

Though tyranny has in the night persisted,
In the morning shall freedom suffice.
The sun is slowly rising,
Unveiling a destiny soon to burst.

The jingles grow louder,
Heralding the long awaited Nigeria, I hope a nation,
In which freedom will again reign,
And in its balsamic fragrance shall the people be refreshed.

Review Request (Intensity): 
I want the raw truth, feel free to knock me on my back
Editing stage: 
Content level: 
Not Explicit Content


that may finally bring peace to Nigeria? I sincerely hope so! Too long have the rich and privileged ruled. One can only hope to find those that do not hope for riches and wish only care for the people. Nothing I see here to change. ~ Geez.

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This must be the place, 'cause there ain't no place like this place anywhere near this place.

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