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Flight Plan #3

From cuddles sublime
to a more complex time
when we still, were finding our ways;

thought we knew it all
but, we'd eventually fall;
although allowed to see the scenic route in life's maze.

We knew of no fear
while still learning to steer,
flying high, by the seats of our pants;

we lived without care
and cosidered each dare,
we played hard, and we all learned to dance.

We sure had our fill
of good times, if you will;
where each lesson truly played with our hearts;

the choices we'd made
weren't any we'd trade,
we were learning individual parts.

We then took our roles
defining our goals,
while the oceans of time crashed our shores;

each wave unrehearsed
every heartache we nursed,
then, we travelled through similar doors.

So, with all of our might
we, each kept in sight,
what each of us saw clear, as true;

the grid clearly lined
each wave then defined,
the beach known as me, and as you.

Pressing onward, we go
because each of us know,
in this game we must all follow suit;

it's easy, you'll see
just be you to a, "tee",
for we all must adhere to our root.

Life is intense
and makes little sense,
so I try, and never assume;

or worse, ignore rules
for, that can cause fools;
to creatively cause thier own doom.

Traveling this road
l can feel my load,
but, my blessings outwiegh every pound;

I reach near, journey's end
so, l share with each friend,
there's plenty to go all around!

It's not late-breaking news
we become how we choose,
so focus not, on all your regrets;

l'm setting my mind
to get all l can find,
of a love that forgives all my debts.

The years ran by fast
I can't live in the past,
consequently, too much to allow;

only take what one needs
nothing's uglier than greed,
one might as well throw in the towel.

Sometime after the "show"
believe me, we'll know!
Exactly, what's after we die;

l prefer just to think
that we share one last drink,
then, we each get to learn how to "fly"!

With each wink, and each grin
l'll face my back to the wind,
and fly, no more will l roam;

I'll fly high, and so free
just you wait and see,
one more turn 'round the bend and l'm home!

Style / type: 
Structured: Western
Review Request (Intensity): 
I want the raw truth, feel free to knock me on my back
Review Request (Direction): 
What did you think of my title?
How does this theme appeal to you?
How was the beginning/ending of the poem?
Editing stage: 


Apart from the odd cliché in the long lines I thought this was good, then the length of the last line in each Stanza I think a slight modification to have them near the same length, would add to this pieces attraction..
Keep well Doc, Yours Ian.T

There are a million reasons to believe in yourself,
So find more reasons to believe in others..

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