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There is a paper boat
on my desk.
It is reflected in the glass
like in a calm lake.
It carries a poem on board.
The poem number
nine hundred forty six
I can still see
some of the words
on the top deck
“It is an honorable Thought”.
The rest is hidden in the folds.

I’ll take the boat.
I’ll pull the anchor from the ink,
defying death and angry silt
I will take off,
and I will read
the poem
leaving all my sorry-selves
from hopeful youth to older versions
to trot along bookshelves.

Review Request (Direction): 
How was my language use?
Last few words: 
I wrote about reading a poem “It is an honorable Thought…” (946) by Emily Dickinson Here is a full text of her poem: It is an honorable Thought And makes One lift One’s Hat As One met sudden Gentlefolk Upon a daily Street That We’ve immortal Place Though Pyramids decay And Kingdoms, like the Orchard Flit Russetly away
Editing stage: 


Thanks IRiz for serving a double treat one from you and the other from Emily Dickinson...I especially liked the line "the rest is hidden in the folds"...and good visual impact of

There is a paper boat
on my desk.
It is reflected in the glass
like in the calm lake.


raj (sublime_ocean)

Thank you, Raj!
Your comment is much appreciated.


author comment

I too, liked the first image, of the boat reflected in the glass "like in the calm lake". Emily Dickinson can certainly send you on a journey, a sea of ink. this poem is an honorable thought.

Oh! Thank you for reading my poem.


author comment

Gonna have to re-read.
Any particular recommendations?

A new workshop on the most important element of poetry-
'Rhythm and Meter in Poetry'

Hi Jess,
William Luce's one-woman play, The Belle of Amherst was a key for me to Emily Dickinson.
The play has a unique mix of biographical prose and Dickinson's poetry.


author comment

I think the first stanza could be condensed a little, it feels a tad prosaic, whilst the second stanza really takes off with the metaphor.
As per your request some suggestions on what is not grammatically incorrect but sounds like second-language English-
like in the calm lake.
like in a calm lake.

I’ll pull an anchor from the ink,
I’ll pull anchor from the ink,
I’ll pull the anchor from the ink,
or, the nautical term
I’ll weigh anchor from the ink,

I don't usually like reflexive works on poetry but you sail away successfully with this one. My reading-

A new workshop on the most important element of poetry-
'Rhythm and Meter in Poetry'

Thank you for the corrections.
It helps a lot.
Your reading is the best treat.


author comment
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