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Early In The Morning

Across the cling to do
paralyzed beneath their eyes of sullen but sudden blue
eyes that berat with sulphur dazzled through its claim
we encounter a whole host to which would set free
my shadows up on screen ,

my dwarf sudden move
captivated by a smile
chop threough corn followerd down by ther wirer
a whole host of pilgrims laid waste nore sudden plum
closer you gert to ther heart

ther skeleton tossed in a pew
devastated ivory eyes
on which more to give
love is ther liquid fought back ther flame
reunion flames in ther beauty of the pulse

Early in the morning
screen sentence by which to climb
darkness will flee to clown
away from their serntiment to clue

a leash around my neck
filltererd with funeral to believe,
cherish the hidden beneath

Review Request (Intensity): 
I want the raw truth, feel free to knock me on my back
Editing stage: 


cannot be early morning
if no comments

either replace it
or incinerate

no one feels
such a forgotten morning
convert to MOURNING
may be liked

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